Superior ChatGPT Prompt for Editing Writing

ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful AI assistant that can help improve your writing in many ways. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can act as an editor to fix grammar mistakes, improve word choice and sentence structure, check for plagiarism, and more. This allows writers to easily elevate their work to a more professional level.

In this article, I’ll provide superior prompt examples that you can use with ChatGPT to transform your writing. Whether you’re writing essays, articles, stories, or any other form of text, these prompts will streamline the editing process.

Fix Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

One of the most common uses for ChatGPT as an editor is to fix grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Careless mistakes can undermine your credibility as a writer. Here is an effective prompt to address this:

Please scan the following passage and fix any grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors you find. Ensure proper use of commas, semicolons, quotation marks, contractions etc. Check for subject-verb agreement, parallel structure, and other common grammatical issues. Correct any typos or misspellings. Please make edits directly in the passage and leave a comment explaining each change you make.

The key here is to be as specific as possible in describing the types of edits you want ChatGPT to make. This prevents it from making unnecessary changes that alter your original intent. Requiring it to leave commentary ensures transparency as you review the edits.

Improve Word Choice and Sentence Structure

Beyond just fixing technical errors, ChatGPT can improve the actual writing quality. Here’s a great prompt for enhancing word choice and sentence structure:

Please review the following passage. Rewrite each sentence to sound more clear, concise, and eloquent while preserving the original meaning. Vary sentence structure to avoid repetition. Replace vague or overused words with more descriptive and interesting alternatives. The tone should remain casual. Please make edits directly in the text and leave a comment justifying each word or phrasing change.

This prompt targets the specific areas needing improvement, like removing fluff, improving clarity, and adding variety. Requiring commentary forces ChatGPT to explain why its phrasing enhancements are better. The tone guidance prevents changes that would alter your original voice and style.

Check for Plagiarism

ChatGPT has an impressive knowledge of existing writings. You can leverage this to check your work for plagiarism using the following prompt:

Please thoroughly scan the following passage and highlight any segments that may be copied or too closely paraphrased from another source. Provide the original source if you can identify it. Add comments indicating your level of confidence that text is plagiarized or original for each flagged excerpt.

The key phrases “thoroughly scan” and “too closely paraphrased” instruct ChatGPT to dig deep to flag potential issues. Requiring it to cite sources and rate plagiarism confidence allows you to better evaluate the matches it identifies.

Useful Websites

Here are some great websites with more ChatGPT prompt examples for editing writing:

  • Awesome ChatGPT Prompts – A community-driven collection of prompts across many use cases.
  • ChatGPT AI Hub – Specialized prompts for writing, editing, tutoring, and more.
  • Scribbr – Prompt writing tips and FAQs from academic experts.


I hope these superior ChatGPT prompts for editing writing provide a helpful starting point. Crafting effective prompts is key to fully utilize ChatGPT’s capabilities. With practice over time, you’ll learn how to better target your requests to transform your writing.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I’m happy to provide additional details or prompt examples.