Stable Diffusion Prompt Cheat Sheet

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generation tool that can create stunning visuals from text prompts. However, writing effective prompts requires some skill and knowledge. This cheat sheet provides useful prompt examples and tips to help you get the most out of Stable Diffusion.

Basic Prompt Structure

A basic Stable Diffusion prompt has the following key elements:

  • Subject – The main focus of the image, e.g. “a painting of a cat”
  • Style – The desired artistic style, e.g. “in the style of Van Gogh”
  • Details – Extra descriptive details about the content, style, colors, etc.
  • Negative Prompts – Things to exclude from the image, e.g. “no text”

Here is an example prompt with all of these components:

A painting of a orange cat with green eyes, in the style of Van Gogh's starry nights, very detailed and vibrant colors, no text

When starting out, keep your prompts simple and focused on the essential elements. You can add more details and constraints later as you get better results.

Useful Prompt Modifiers

Here are some common modifiers you can add to prompts to adjust the output:

  • Masterpiece – Generates higher quality, more coherent images
  • Intricate details – Adds very fine details to the image
  • Vibrant colors – Makes colors more saturated and vivid
  • Cinematic lighting – Adds dramatic lighting and shadows
  • Sharp focus – Makes image clarity and edges sharper
  • High resolution – Increases output image size and quality

For example:

An intricate masterpiece painting of a landscape in the style of Bob Ross, with vibrant colors, cinematic lighting, sharp focus, high resolution

Prompt Templates

Using templates can help you quickly generate new prompt ideas:

Portrait painting

A beautiful painting of a [gender] with [hair color] [hairstyle], [eye color] eyes, and [skin tone] skin, wearing [clothing], in a [style] style

Landscape photo

A [type of landscape] landscape photograph with a [weather] sky in the style of [artist], [time of day] golden hour lighting, depth of field

Simply fill in the brackets with your own words to create a custom prompt. Get creative with combinations!

Useful Websites

With practice, you’ll get better at writing prompts that produce what you imagine. Refer to this cheat sheet whenever you need some fresh prompt inspiration!


Crafting effective Stable Diffusion prompts is crucial for generating great AI art. Use the examples, templates, and resources here to level up your prompt engineering skills. Remember to keep prompts simple at first, then incrementally add details and constraints. With experimentation, you’ll be able to produce amazing, high-quality images tailored to your creative vision.