Stable Diffusion Prompts for Fantasy Characters

Fantasy characters are brought to life through vivid descriptions that capture their essence and spark the imagination. AI art generators like Stable Diffusion offer new possibilities for visually realizing these creative visions. However, writing effective prompts can be challenging. This guide provides tips and examples for crafting immersive prompts tailored to conjure up wondrous fantasy characters.

Describe Physical Attributes

When describing fantasy characters, focus on distinctive physical traits that embody their persona:

An elf warrior with long white hair, emerald eyes, and intricate vine tattoos covering his muscular arms

Lean into imaginative elements for non-human characters:

A female orc shaman with braided green hair, tusks protruding from her lower jaw, and tribal markings on her cheeks

Convey Backstory and Personality

Breathe life into your characters by hinting at their backstory and personality:

A once fierce but now weary dwarven berserker in exile, his ornate armor battered from countless battles
An optimistic young gnome wizard, overflowing with curiosity about the world beyond her forest home

Set the Scene

Ground fantasy characters in richly described scenes that inform the viewer about their role and purpose:

A human paladin bathed in divine light as she fearlessly confronts a horde of undead in a decrepit graveyard
A cunning goblin rogue picking the lock on an ancient vault filled with magical treasures and artifacts  

Focus On What Makes Your Character Unique

Emphasize distinctive elements that make your fantasy character stand out. For example:

An angel with shattered wings and embers instead of feathers, wielding a flaming sword as she rebels against the gods

Use Comparisons Creatively

Compare your fantasy character to well-known archetypes or genres to guide the AI:

A panther warrior with claws like katanas, fierce as Marvel's Black Panther crossed with the ferocity of Conan the Barbarian
An elven archer resembling Legolas but with a cyberpunk aesthetic, neon lights glowing from sleek augmentations

Prompt Chaining

Chain multiple prompts about your character together to reinforce details:

An elderly wizard, fantasy, intricate details, highly detailed face, intricate design, flowing grey beard, kind wise eyes, purple robes covered in mystic symbols, casting a spell, dramatic lighting, volumetric lighting, cinematic lighting, concept art, artstation, sharp focus, illustration, art by Artgerm and Greg Rutkowski and Alphonse Mucha 

Use Test Renders

Create test renders to check if prompts convey the desired qualities before generating a full image. Refine prompts based on test results.

Helpful Resources

r/StableDiffusion & r/MediaSynthesis

Stable Diffusion & Midjourney

Lexica – AI Art Prompt Inspiration
PromptHero – Curated SD Prompts

YouTube Channels
AI Art Prompt Ideas – Tutorials & Inspiration


Crafting the perfect prompt is key to generating stunning AI fantasy art. Focus on imaginative details that bring out the essence of your vision. Describe backstories, appearances and contexts that make characters compelling and unique. Prompt chaining, comparisons and test renders help fine-tune results. With practice, you’ll be able to consistently create captivating fantasy characters through AI art generators.