Stable Diffusion Prompt Ratio

AI prompts are instructions given to AI systems to produce a desired output. Well-crafted prompts are key to generating high-quality results from AI models like image generators and chatbots. This article will provide an overview of AI prompting and share examples of effective prompts across different AI applications.

What is an AI Prompt?

An AI prompt is a natural language text input that provides a task, context, and other details to an AI system. The goal is to elicit the desired response or output from the AI.

For example, an image generation prompt could describe the subject, style, composition, and other elements of a desired image. A chatbot prompt would provide background information and ask a specific question.

Why Prompts Matter

Prompts act as the interface between the user and the AI model. Without clear, detailed prompts, the AI cannot understand what output the user wants.

Additionally, prompts allow users to customize and control the AI’s behavior within its capabilities. Well-designed prompts result in more accurate, relevant, and helpful AI responses.

Prompt Engineering Best Practices

Crafting effective AI prompts is an art and science known as “prompt engineering.” Here are some key best practices:

Be Specific

Vague prompts produce vague results. Using specific details and descriptive language ensures the AI generates outputs that match your intent.

Set the Context

Provide necessary background information and context upfront so the AI can situate itself and respond appropriately.

Use Examples

Including examples guides the AI towards the type of output you want.

Order Logically

Structure prompts with important information first, followed by supplementary details.

Check Documentation

Consult the AI model’s documentation to learn its strengths, limitations, and how to properly prompt it.

AI Image Prompt Examples

Image generation models like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion accept text prompts to produce images. Here are some examples of effective image prompts:

Describe the Subject

An oil painting portrait of an elderly woman with curly gray hair wearing a purple sweater and round glasses, detailed realistic style

Keywords like “oil painting,” “elderly woman,” “curly gray hair,” “purple sweater,” “round glasses,” and “detailed realistic style” provide critical details.

Set the Composition

A symmetric composition photo of a bowl of cereal with bananas and strawberries sitting on a wooden table next to a window, soft natural lighting

Framing the image’s composition and lighting ensures the AI renders the scene as desired.

Specify an Art Style

The Eiffel Tower in an abstract cubist style with bright colors by Pablo Picasso

Naming a specific artist provides an exact stylistic reference for the AI.

Chatbot Prompt Examples

Chatbots like Claude and Anthropic’s Constitutional AI accept conversational prompts. Some best practices:

Provide Context

I am planning a trip to Paris next spring. My budget is $3,000 total and I will be traveling alone. Provide 5 recommendations for where I should stay and what attractions I should see given my budget and solo status.

The upfront context gives the chatbot the details needed to offer personalized recommendations.

Ask Clear Questions

What is the capital of France? In your answer, provide the full name of the city and specify that it is the capital.

A clear, direct question with instructions for the expected answer format improves accuracy.

Limit Scope

Focusing only on attractions, recommend the top 5 tourist sites I should visit in Paris if I enjoy impressionist art, scenic views, and local culture. Keep your recommendations brief, just 1-2 sentences on why it is recommended.

Constraining the scope and specifying an answer length prevents rambling, irrelevant responses.

Tips for All AI Prompts

Here are some universal best practices when prompting any AI model:

Iterate on Prompts

View initial prompts as a starting point. Refine and retest prompts to improve results.

Use Active Voice

Active voice prompts are clearer and more direct.

Limit Prompts to One Task

Prompt overload causes confusion. Ask one question or give one instruction per prompt.

Check for Understanding

Review the AI’s response to check if your prompt successfully conveyed the intended task. Reprompt if necessary.


Crafting effective AI prompts requires practice and an understanding of the AI model’s capabilities. With the right prompts, AI can produce remarkably helpful, creative, and intelligent outputs. Apply these prompt engineering principles to get the best results possible.

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