Stable Diffusion Prompt Examples Reddit

Stable Diffusion is a powerful AI image generation model that creates images from text prompts. Getting good results requires carefully crafting prompts that clearly communicate what you want to see in the final image.

In this article, I’ll share my favorite Stable Diffusion prompt examples and techniques to help you generate stunning AI art.

Describe the Subject in Detail

When writing a Stable Diffusion prompt, start by clearly describing the main subject of the image.

For example:

A portrait of a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes, and light freckles on her cheeks. She is wearing a white lace dress and smiling softly while looking to the left of the frame. 

Get very specific about physical features, clothing, expression, and posing. The more visual details you include, the better your results will be.

Use Adjectives Judiciously

Be careful not to overload your prompt with too many adjectives as this can make the image noisy. For example:

A beautiful, gorgeous, stunning young woman with long, flowing, golden blonde hair, dazzling emerald green eyes, and cute, endearing, lovely light freckles on her rosy cheeks.  

While descriptive, this prompt has too many adjectives that don’t add meaningful details. Simplify to only the most important descriptors.

Set the Scene

After describing the subject, set the scene by specifying the background, lighting, atmosphere, etc.

For example:

A portrait of a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes, and light freckles on her cheeks. She is wearing a white lace dress and smiling softly while looking to the left of the frame. Sunlight is streaming in from a nearby window, lighting up her face. The background is out of focus.

Scene details encourage Stable Diffusion to render a cohesive image that looks realistic.

Use Prepositions Carefully

Pay close attention to prepositions like “in”, “on”, “near”, etc. as they indicate specific relationships between objects that impact image composition.

Guide the Style

Next, guide the style of the image by referencing art movements, artists, rendering techniques, etc.

For example:

A portrait of a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes, and light freckles on her cheeks. She is wearing a white lace dress and smiling softly while looking to the left of the frame. Sunlight is streaming in from a nearby window, lighting up her face. The background is out of focus. Digital art by Greg Rutkowski and Ross Tran, trending on ArtStation.

Compare how this prompt generates different results than only describing the woman and scene. Style details radically shift the aesthetic.

Useful Websites for Prompts

Here are some great sites to find and share Stable Diffusion prompts:

Browse these galleries to get prompt ideas and inspiration for your own creations. The Stable Diffusion community generously shares prompts to fuel each other’s creativity.

Final Tips

  • Use markdown formatting like code blocks for long prompts to improve readability
  • Limit prompts to key details so the image isn’t overwhelmed
  • Experiment with styles through art movements, artists, and rendering techniques
  • Find inspiration from prompt sharing sites like PromptHero

With practice, you’ll learn how to craft prompts that produce magical images through Stable Diffusion. Have fun exploring the creative potential of AI art!