Stable Diffusion Negative Prompt for Hands

Stable Diffusion is a popular AI image generation model. However, it sometimes struggles with generating realistic hands in images. This is because hands have complex anatomy that is difficult for AI to recreate accurately.

Some common hand-related issues that can occur in Stable Diffusion images include:

  • Missing or incomplete fingers
  • Fused or distorted fingers
  • Incorrect number of fingers
  • Hands blending into arms or other body parts

Using negative prompts and carefully crafted prompts can help mitigate these hand issues.

Why Hands Are Challenging for Stable Diffusion

Hands contain many small, intricate parts like fingers, knuckles, fingernails, creases, etc. They can also twist and turn into different poses. This complexity makes them difficult for AI to generate realistically.

The Stable Diffusion model was trained on a wide range of Internet images. While this gave it strong general image understanding capabilities, the diversity of hand images was limited. So the model does not have as clear an understanding of hands as it does for faces or other body parts.

Effective Prompts for Better Hands

Here are some prompt engineering techniques to help Stable Diffusion generate better hands:

Describe the Hand in Detail

Give the model clear instructions on the type of hand you want:

A woman's hand with long graceful fingers delicately posed

Describe features like the number of fingers, nails, rings, etc. The more detail the better.

Use Hand References

Show the model example hands to replicate:

Hand like [this reference image], making a peace sign

Search for hand pose reference images similar to what you want to generate.

Focus on the Hands

Draw attention to the hands using prompts:

Portrait highlighting the elegant hands as the main focus

You can also crop out other body parts in the prompt.

Prompt Hand Proportions

Specify the hand size relative to the arm and body:

Woman with realistic hand proportions, fingers same length as palm

This helps prevent weird lengthening or fusing of fingers.

Effective Negative Prompts for Hands

Negative prompts tell Stable Diffusion what NOT to include in the generated image. Here are some useful negative hand prompts:

Extra fingers, fused fingers, too many fingers, finger mutations

This prevents extra or combined fingers.

Disfigured hands, malformed hands, mangled hands 

This avoids overall hand distortion.

Hands cut off, missing hands, cropped hands

This reduces chances of missing hands.

You can combine these with positive prompts for best results!

Prompt Examples for Hands

Here are some full prompt examples focused specifically on hands:

Realistic Hands Prompt

A close up portrait of a woman's hands, with realistic proportions, clearly defined fingers, natural looking fingernails, delicate realistic skin texture, elegant hands are the main focus, soft lighting
| Extra fingers:-1.2, fused fingers:-1.0, too many fingers:-1.0, finger mutations:-1.0, disfigured hands:-1.0, malformed hands:-1.0, mangled hands:-1.0, hands cut off:-1.0, missing hands:-1.0, cropped hands:-1.0

Expressive Hands Prompt

Woman's hands exquisitely posed as though elegantly dancing, delicate fingers stretched gracefully, perfectly manicured long nails, soft skin, prominent veins and knuckles, intimate lighting, cinematic
| Ugly:-1.5, Extra fingers:-1.2, fused fingers:-1.0, too many fingers:-1.0, finger mutations:-1.0, disfigured hands:-1.0, malformed hands:-1.0, mangled hands:-1.0, hands cut off:-1.0, missing hands:-1.0, cropped hands:-1.0  

Hand Accessories Prompt

Close up of relaxed female hands with palm up, wearing silver rings with diamond and emerald stones on ring finger and middle finger, elegant gold bracelet around wrist, soft natural lighting
| Missing fingers:-1.5, fused fingers:-1.0, extra fingers:-1.0, mutated fingers:-1.0, disfigured hands:-1.2, ugly:-1.2, mangled hands:-1.0, cropped hands:-1.0

Resources for Stable Diffusion Hands

Here are some useful resources with more Stable Diffusion hand prompts and techniques:

Experiment with these hand prompt ideas and let the creative possibilities unfold!