Customizing Alexa: Voice Command Examples for Personalizing Your Commands

Below, you will find a range of voice command examples to help you customize your Alexa experience and personalize your commands. These voice commands are designed to assist you in interacting with Alexa in a way that best suits your preferences. By utilizing these commands, you can optimize your Alexa device to cater to your specific needs and ensure a more tailored user experience. Whether you want to enhance your smart home capabilities, streamline daily tasks, or explore new entertainment options, these voice command examples will help you get the most out of your Alexa device. So go ahead, experiment with these commands, and make Alexa truly yours.

#1 Smart Home Control

“Alexa, turn on the lights in the living room.”
“Alexa, dim the bedroom lights to 50%.”
“Alexa, increase the thermostat temperature by 2 degrees.”
“Alexa, set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Alexa, lock the front door.”
“Alexa, close the garage door.”
“Alexa, start the coffee maker at 7 AM.”
“Alexa, set the vacuum cleaner to clean the kitchen.”
“Alexa, close all the blinds in the house.”

#2 Reminder and Organization

“Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Alexa, set a reminder for tomorrow at 3 PM to pick up dry cleaning.”
“Alexa, create a to-do list called ‘Weekend Chores.'”
“Alexa, remind me in one hour to take a break.”
“Alexa, schedule a meeting for Thursday at 2 PM.”
“Alexa, what’s on my calendar for today?”
“Alexa, set a recurring reminder every Monday to water the plants.”
“Alexa, add ‘Call Mom’ to my to-do list.”
“Alexa, delete all the items from my shopping list.”

#3 Music and Entertainment

“Alexa, play my ‘Workout’ playlist on Spotify.”
“Alexa, what song is this?”
“Alexa, play classical music.”
“Alexa, skip to the next track.”
“Alexa, shuffle my music library.”
“Alexa, play the latest episode of ‘The Daily’ podcast.”
“Alexa, pause the music.”
“Alexa, set a sleep timer for 30 minutes.”
“Alexa, tell me a joke.”

#4 Information and News

“Alexa, what’s the weather like today?”
“Alexa, when is sunrise tomorrow?”
“Alexa, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Alexa, tell me a fun fact.”
“Alexa, what’s the latest news?”
“Alexa, convert 10 dollars to euros”
“Alexa, who won the soccer match last night?”
“Alexa, how tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Alexa, what movies are playing nearby?”

#5 Fun and Games

“Alexa, open the ‘Jeopardy’ skill.”
“Alexa, play ‘I spy.'”
“Alexa, tell me a riddle.”
“Alexa, roll a dice.”
“Alexa, flip a coin.”
“Alexa, play ‘Twenty Questions.'”
“Alexa, ask ‘Would You Rather’ for a question.”
“Alexa, tell me a bedtime story.”
“Alexa, play ‘Guess the Song.'”

#6 Personalized Settings

“Alexa, change your wake word to ‘Computer.'”
“Alexa, switch to the British accent.”
“Alexa, adjust your volume to 6.”
“Alexa, turn on the whisper mode.”
“Alexa, enable voice shopping.”
“Alexa, set up a voice profile for me.”
“Alexa, turn on the explicit content filter.”
“Alexa, customize my Flash Briefing.”
“Alexa, enable follow-up mode.”