Rachio Google Assistant Commands: Voice Control Examples and Tips

Are you looking for ways to control your Rachio smart sprinkler system using just your voice? With Rachio Google Assistant commands, you can easily water your lawn and adjust your sprinkler settings by simply speaking to your Google Assistant. Below are some voice command examples you can use to make your watering experience even more convenient.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Google, water the front yard for 10 minutes.”
“Hey Google, stop watering the backyard.”
“Hey Google, turn on the sprinklers in zone 2.”

#2 Schedule Commands

“Hey Google, what’s my watering schedule for today?”
“Hey Google, skip the next scheduled watering.”
“Hey Google, disable the watering schedule for the weekend.”

#3 Customization Commands

“Hey Google, set the watering duration to 15 minutes for all zones.”
“Hey Google, increase the frequency of watering for the garden.”
“Hey Google, create a new custom watering schedule for the flower beds.”

#4 Weather Commands

“Hey Google, how much rain did we get yesterday?”
“Hey Google, should I adjust my watering schedule based on the weather forecast?”
“Hey Google, enable the rain skip feature for all zones.”

#5 Information Commands

“Hey Google, what is the current moisture level in zone 3?”
“Hey Google, how much water has been used this week?”
“Hey Google, provide me with water management tips for my lawn.”

#6 Troubleshooting Commands

“Hey Google, why is my sprinkler system not running?”
“Hey Google, how do I reset my Rachio controller?”
“Hey Google, troubleshoot the connectivity issues with my Rachio device.”

#7 Integration Commands

“Hey Google, sync my Rachio account with my smart home system.”
“Hey Google, can I integrate my Rachio with other smart devices?”
“Hey Google, show me how to link my Google Assistant with Rachio.”