Mastering Google Assistant: Voice Command Examples for Iris

Mastering Google Assistant: Voice Command Examples for Iris

Below are some voice command examples that you can use to fully utilize the capabilities of Google Assistant with Iris. From navigating your phone to searching the web, managing your calendar to playing music, Google Assistant offers a wide range of commands to make your life easier. Whether you’re an expert or just getting started, these voice commands will help you maximize your experience with Google Assistant and make the most out of Iris’s features.

#General Phone Navigation

“Open settings menu.”
“Take a screenshot.”
“Turn on/off Wi-Fi.”
“Adjust screen brightness.”
“Open camera app.”
“Set alarm for 7 am.”
“Enable Do Not Disturb mode.”
“Turn on Bluetooth.”
“Open Google Maps.”
“Check battery status.”

#Web Search

“Search for the latest news.”
“What is the weather like today?”
“Find nearby restaurants.”
“Search for vegetarian recipes.”
“How tall is the Eiffel Tower?”
“Who won the latest NBA game?”
“Find the definition of perseverance.”
“What movies are playing nearby?”
“Who is the lead actor in The Avengers?”
“Tell me some interesting facts about dolphins.”

#Calendar and Reminders

“Schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 2 pm.”
“Remind me to buy groceries at 6 pm.”
“What’s on my calendar for today?”
“Create a new reminder: Call mom.”
“Add an event: Dinner with friends on Saturday.”
“Cancel my meeting at 10 am.”
“When is my next appointment?”
“Set a reminder for my dentist appointment tomorrow.”
“What’s my schedule for next week?”
“Notify me 15 minutes before my meeting.”

#Entertainment and Media

“Play my favorite songs.”
“Find me a workout playlist.”
“Pause the music.”
“Skip to the next track.”
“Play the latest episode of The Office.”
“What’s playing on Netflix?”
“Find funny YouTube videos.”
“Open Spotify and play jazz music.”
“What are the top podcasts right now?”
“Play my audiobook.”

#Device Control

“Turn on the lights in the living room.”
“Dim the bedroom lights to 50%.”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Turn off the TV.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Find my phone.”
“Change the color of the smart bulbs to blue.”
“Set an alarm for 8 am every weekday.”
“Turn on the robot vacuum cleaner.”
“Close the garage door.”


“Send a text message to John: I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Make a phone call to mom.”
“Send an email to Lisa: Regarding the upcoming project.”
“Read my latest text message.”
“Call my office.”
“Send a WhatsApp message to Alex: Are you free for lunch?”
“Reply to David’s email: Yes, I’m available.”
“Check my voicemail.”
“Send a Facebook message to Sarah: Let’s catch up soon.”
“Start a video call with Mark.”

These voice command examples are just a glimpse of what you can achieve with Google Assistant and Iris. Feel free to explore further and experiment with different voice commands to streamline your daily tasks and make your interactions with technology more efficient and convenient.