Persuasive ChatGPT Prompt for Copywriting That Converts

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. As a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, it has the ability to generate amazingly high-quality content. This makes it an invaluable tool for copywriters looking to boost conversions.

When writing persuasive copy, the key is to understand your target audience deeply and craft messaging that resonates with their needs, pains, and desires. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can help uncover these customer insights and rapidly ideate copy variations to determine what works.

Here are some prompts to get started:

Write 10 potential pain points my target audience of [describe target audience] may be experiencing in relation to [product/service]. Make the pain points specific and emotional.
Suggest 3-5 main benefits of [product/service] that would appeal most to [target audience], focusing on alleviating their pains and desires.
Generate 5 subject line options for an email promoting [product/service] to [target audience]. Make them short, benefit-driven, and curiosity-inducing. 

Leveraging such prompts allows us to quickly brainstorm messaging ideas and identify ones that align best with our audience. We can then further refine the copy by asking ChatGPT to:

Improve this [headline/subject line/ad copy] to be more [benefit-focused, emotional, concise]. Maintain the core message but increase clarity and impact.  

Crafting Copy That Converts

Beyond prompts for ideation, we need to shape our raw copy into something truly persuasive. Here are some key elements to include:


  • Focus on primary benefits and emotional outcomes
  • Use power words that compel action
  • Pose questions and create curiosity


  • Describe customer pains and problems
  • Build rapport with shared experiences
  • Transition into your solution


  • Alleviate pains with your key solution benefits
  • Use proof points and social proof
  • Enable reader self-identification


  • Drive urgency with scarcity or discounts
  • Suggest next steps clearly
  • End with a decisive CTA statement

Optimizing Tone and Flow

Converting copy needs more than just the right elements. The tone and flow must align with your brand voice and make your argument easy to follow.

Some final polish prompts for ChatGPT:

Improve the tone of this copy to better fit our brand voice which is [describe key traits like friendly, concise, trustworthy etc].  
Evaluate the logical flow and positioning of benefits in this copy. Suggest any improvements to make the argument more convincing.   

Sample ChatGPT-Generated Copy

Here’s an example of persuasive copy created entirely by ChatGPT when prompted to write a landing page for a fictional HR software product.

Feel Overwhelmed Managing Company Policies?

As an HR manager, you have a lot on your plate – from recruiting talent and maintaining culture to ensuring compliance. But keeping on top of constantly changing state and federal employment policies is a major pain point.

It’s frustrating when employees come to you with questions but you struggle to find the latest policy details. You dread government audits, worried you might miss something in that giant policy binder on your desk. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to properly oversee policy management!

But what if you could easily access every company policy and update in one centralized platform?

Our HR policy management software takes the weight off your shoulders by:

  • Maintaining an always up-to-date database of federal, state, and company policies
  • Allowing quick search to answer employee questions confidently
  • Setting automated version control and archiving
  • Simplifying compliance with audit-ready reporting

Don’t waste another minute buried in paperwork! Our platform empowers you to manage policies efficiently so you can focus on your people.

See a live demo of the #1 policy manager trusted by over 1,000 HR managers across the country.

This shows how ChatGPT can rapidly generate high-converting copy once you provide some initial positioning and branding details.

Keep iterating on the prompts and copy examples to refine the messaging for your unique product and audience. With some practice, you’ll be able to create copy that sells!

Useful Websites

  • Copyblogger – Content marketing and copywriting blog with guides and examples
  • – SEO blog with 100+ ChatGPT copywriting prompts
  • Copysmith – Copywriting blog by AI copywriting company Copysmith