Pandora Voice Commands: Master Cortana’s Control in less than 64 Characters

Introducing Pandora Voice Commands: Master Cortana’s Control

Below are some voice command examples you can use to effortlessly navigate and control Pandora using Cortana:

#1 Play Music

“Play some music on Pandora.”
“Play [song/artist/genre] on Pandora.”
“Play my station on Pandora.”

#2 Skip, Pause, and Resume

“Skip this song.”
“Next song, please.”
“Pause the music.”
“Resume the music.”

#3 Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down

“Give this song a thumbs up.”
“Thumbs down this track.”
“Rate this song with a thumbs up.”
“Dislike this song.”

#4 Add to Playlist

“Add this song to my playlist.”
“Create a new playlist with this track.”
“Add this to my playlist.”

#5 Control Playback

“Increase the volume.”
“Lower the volume.”
“Shuffle my playlist.”
“Repeat this song.”
“Play the previous track.”

#6 Get Recommendations

“Recommend some new music.”
“Suggest similar artists.”
“Discover new songs for me.”

#7 Control Stations

“Create a new station with this song.”
“Delete this station.”
“Play my favorite station.”
“Customize my station settings.”

#8 Explore Pandora

“Browse popular songs.”
“Find top charts on Pandora.”
“Discover trending artists.”
“Explore genres on Pandora.”

#9 Personalize Pandora

“Set my profile preferences.”
“Change my account settings.”
“Update my music preferences.”
“Customize my Pandora experience.”

#10 Get Information

“What’s playing?”
“Who sings this song?”
“Tell me more about this artist.”
“Find lyrics for this track.”

#11 Control Playback Devices

“Play Pandora on [device name].”
“Connect to my Bluetooth speaker.”
“Change the audio output to [device name].”
“Switch playback to my headphones.”

#12 Control Alarms and Timers

“Wake me up with Pandora at [time].”
“Set a timer with Pandora music.”
“Play my favorite station as an alarm.”

These voice commands will help you effortlessly navigate and control Pandora using Cortana. Enjoy a seamless music streaming experience with just a few simple voice prompts.