28 Alexa Commands for Xbox Console

“Alexa, tell Xbox to turn on”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to turn off”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to launch Forza Horizon 4”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to pause”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to resume”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to turn it up”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to turn volume down 5”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to record that”

“Alexa, tell Xbox to start a party”

“Alexa, ask Xbox is {Gamertag} online”

Smart Home Commands

28 Alexa Commands for Xbox Console

“Alexa, turn on {device name}”

“Alexa, turn off {device name}”

“Alexa, pause on {device name}”

“Alexa, resume on {device name}”

“Alexa, volume up on {device name}”

“Alexa, pause”

“Alexa, play”

“Alexa, resume”

“Alexa, skip forward”

“Alexa, launch Forza Horizon 4”

“Alexa, launch Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox”

“Alexa, launch Netflix”

“Alexa, launch Netflix on Xbox”

“Alexa, what’s new on Xbox Game Pass?”

“Alexa, what’s popular on Xbox Game Pass?”

“Alexa, what’s leaving Xbox Game Pass?”

“Alexa, is [game] on Xbox Game Pass?”

“Alexa, download [game] from Xbox Game Pass.”