New Alexa Commands: Voice Control at Your Fingertips

Welcome to the world of Alexa, where voice control is at your fingertips. With the new Alexa commands, you can now do a lot more with your smart assistant by using your voice. Alexa is becoming more and more useful for everyday tasks and with the introduction of new commands, it’s easier than ever to manage your life with just a few simple words. Here are some voice command examples that you can use to make the most of your Alexa device.

#1 Weather Commands

“Alexa, what’s the weather like today?”
“Alexa, what will the temperature be like in the morning?”
“Alexa, what’s the forecast for tomorrow?”
“Alexa, what’s the temperature in [city name]?”
“Alexa, is it going to rain today?”

#2 Music Commands

“Alexa, play [song or artist name].”
“Alexa, pause the music.”
“Alexa, skip this song.”
“Alexa, shuffle my music.”
“Alexa, play [song or artist name] on Spotify.”

#3 Reminder and Calendar Commands

“Alexa, add an event to my calendar for [date and time].”
“Alexa, remind me to take out the trash at [time].”
“Alexa, what’s on my calendar for [date]?”
“Alexa, cancel my 3 pm meeting.”
“Alexa, set an alarm for [time].”

#4 Smart Home Commands

“Alexa, turn on the living room lights.”
“Alexa, set the temperature to [number] degrees.”
“Alexa, turn on the TV.”
“Alexa, dim the lights to 50%.”
“Alexa, lock the front door.”

#5 Shopping Commands

“Alexa, order [product name] from Amazon.”
“Alexa, what’s in my shopping cart?”
“Alexa, reorder [product name].”
“Alexa, track my recent orders.”
“Alexa, what are some deals on Amazon today?”

#6 News and Podcast Commands

“Alexa, what’s the latest news?”
“Alexa, play the NPR news briefing.”
“Alexa, pause the podcast.”
“Alexa, skip 30 seconds forward.”
“Alexa, play the [podcast name] podcast.”