Mastering Voice Commands in Chinese with Siri: Essential Examples

Below are some voice command examples that you can use to master voice commands in Chinese with Siri. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your language skills, these essential examples will help you navigate through various tasks effortlessly. From making phone calls to getting directions, Siri can be your personal language assistant. Explore the following voice command examples and enhance your Chinese language experience with Siri:

#1 Basic Commands

“你好, Siri” (Hello, Siri)
“关闭闹钟” (Turn off alarms)
“重启手机” (Restart my phone)
“打电话给爸爸” (Call Dad)
“发动一封短信给妈妈” (Send a text message to Mom)

#2 Time and Date

“现在几点了?” (What time is it now?)
“今天是几月几日?” (What is the date today?)
“给我设一个提醒明天中午12点开会” (Set a reminder for tomorrow’s meeting at 12 p.m.)
“明年圣诞节是星期几?” (What day of the week is Christmas next year?)

#3 Navigation and Location

“到最近的餐馆怎么走?” (How do I get to the nearest restaurant?)
“带我去机场” (Take me to the airport)
“在上海市中心附近找个酒店” (Find a hotel near Shanghai city center)
“Bring me home” (带我回家)

#4 Music and Entertainment

“播放我最爱的歌曲” (Play my favorite song)
“随机播放音乐” (Shuffle music playback)
“转到下一首歌” (Skip to the next song)
“搜索电影票房排行榜” (Search for box office rankings)

#5 Language Help

“怎么说‘谢谢’?” (How do you say ‘thank you’?)
“帮我翻译这句话” (Help me translate this sentence)
“告诉我中文和英文的‘早上好’怎么说” (Tell me how to say ‘good morning’ in Chinese and English)
“发音” (Pronunciation)

#6 Internet and Search

“搜索最新新闻” (Search for latest news)
“找到上海明天的天气预报” (Find the weather forecast for tomorrow in Shanghai)
“打开微博” (Open Weibo)
“翻译‘你好’到英文” (Translate ‘hello’ to English)

#7 Productivity and Organization

“新建备忘录” (Create a new memo)
“设一个定时器,五分钟后提醒我” (Set a timer, remind me in five minutes)
“设一个提醒,每周三下午五点开会” (Set a reminder, have a meeting every Wednesday at 5 p.m.)
“添加事件,晚上七点和朋友吃饭” (Add an event, have dinner with friends at 7 p.m.)

#8 Social Media

“打开微信” (Open WeChat)
“查看最新的朋友圈” (Check the latest Moments feed)
“发一条新微博” (Post a new Weibo)
“给朋友发一张照片” (Send a friend a photo)

#9 Fun and Games

“告诉我一个笑话” (Tell me a joke)
“来一个数独游戏” (Play a game of Sudoku)
“给我讲个童话故事” (Tell me a fairy tale)
“让我们玩个猜谜游戏” (Let’s play a riddle game)

#10 Knowledge and Information

“谁是当前国家领导人?” (Who is the current national leader?)
“搜索爱因斯坦的名言” (Search for Einstein’s quotes)
“打开百度百科” (Open Baidu Baike)
“最近的新闻头条有什么?” (What are the recent news headlines?)