45 Alexa Commands by Samuel L. Jackson

Remember, if you want to use “Hey Samuel” you must pay $1.99 (plus tax). You can start it by saying “Hey Alexa, introduce me to Samuel L. Jackson” and use the commands below for talking with Samuel.

“Alexa, ask Samuel to sing Jingle Bells”

“Alexa, ask Samuel to roast me”

“Alexa, ask Samuel to give me advice”

“Alexa, ask Samuel what it was like making Star Wars”

“Alexa, ask Samuel what his favorite book is”

“Alexa, ask Samuel how he got the part of Nick Fury”

“Alexa, ask Samuel what his favorite movie line is”

“Alexa, ask Samuel what his favorite drink is”

“Alexa, ask Samuel to tell me a joke”

“Alexa, ask Samuel if he’s having a good day”

Hey Samuel

“Hey Samuel, hello!”

“Hey Samuel, good morning”

“Hey Samuel, what did you do today?”

“Hey Samuel, pull my finger”

“Hey Samuel, tell my kids to go to bed”

“Hey Samuel, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s the weather?”

“Hey Samuel, tell me a joke”

“Hey Samuel, tell me a story”

“Hey Samuel, what can you do?”

“Hey Samuel, set an alarm for 9 am”

“Hey Samuel, what’s in your wallet?”

“Hey Samuel, are you mad?”

“Hey Samuel, quote Pulp Fiction”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite word?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite book?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite line?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite drink?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite game?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite video game?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite ice cream?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite vacation spot?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite TV show?”

“Hey Samuel, sing happy birthday”

“Hey Samuel, play some music.”

“Hey Samuel, set a 10-minute timer.”

“Hey Samuel, are you having a good day?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s your favorite skill?”

“Hey Samuel, what do you think of snakes?”

“Hey Samuel, did you always want to be an actor?”

“Hey Samuel, what was it like making Star Wars?”

“Hey Samuel, what’s the secret to your success?”

“Hey Samuel, how did you get the part of Nick Fury?”