Mastering Siri: Essential Voice Command Examples

Are you looking to improve your Siri skills? Below are some essential voice command examples that will help you master Siri and make the most out of your iPhone or iPad. Whether you’re wanting to streamline your daily tasks, find information quickly, or control your device hands-free, these voice commands will help you navigate Siri with ease.

#1 Basic Command Examples

“Hey Siri, set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Hey Siri, call mom.”
“Hey Siri, send a text message to John.”

#2 Productivity Command Examples

“Hey Siri, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 3 pm.”
“Hey Siri, remind me to buy groceries when I leave work.”
“Hey Siri, create a new note with the title ‘Ideas’.”

#3 Navigation Command Examples

“Hey Siri, give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“Hey Siri, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Hey Siri, show me the route to the airport.”

#4 Entertainment Command Examples

“Hey Siri, play my favorite playlist.”
“Hey Siri, what are the top movies playing in theaters?”
“Hey Siri, open Netflix and continue watching The Crown.”

#5 Information Command Examples

“Hey Siri, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Siri, how many ounces are in a cup?”
“Hey Siri, show me pictures of the Eiffel Tower.”

#6 Device Control Command Examples

“Hey Siri, turn on Do Not Disturb.”
“Hey Siri, increase the brightness of my screen.”
“Hey Siri, take a screenshot.”

#7 Communication Command Examples

“Hey Siri, read my latest email.”
“Hey Siri, reply to the last text message I received.”
“Hey Siri, call the nearest pizza place.”

#8 Health and Fitness Command Examples

“Hey Siri, log my water intake for today.”
“Hey Siri, what are some healthy dinner recipes?”
“Hey Siri, start a 10-minute workout timer.”

#9 Device Settings Command Examples

“Hey Siri, turn on Bluetooth.”
“Hey Siri, change my wallpaper to a beach scenery.”
“Hey Siri, enable airplane mode.”