Mastering Google Assistant: Hearing Your Previous Voice Commands

Are you looking to improve your use of Google Assistant, specifically in hearing your previous voice commands? Mastering Google Assistant: Hearing Your Previous Voice Commands is essential for maximizing the use of your device. Below are some voice command examples you can use to effectively navigate and utilize this feature.

Basic commands

“Hey Google, what did I just ask you?”
“OK Google, repeat the last command.”
“Hey Google, can you replay my last voice request?”

Playback commands

“Hey Google, play my last request.”
“OK Google, resume my previous command.”
“Hey Google, replay the last thing I asked you.”

Specific task commands

“OK Google, repeat the recipe I asked for earlier.”
“Hey Google, can you play the song I requested before?”
“OK Google, remind me of the appointment I made earlier today.”

Reminder commands

“Hey Google, can you repeat my last reminder?”
“OK Google, what was my previous reminder?”
“Hey Google, remind me about the task I mentioned earlier.”

Alarm commands

“Hey Google, what was the alarm I set earlier?”
“OK Google, repeat the alarm I asked for before.”
“Hey Google, can you remind me of the alarm I scheduled earlier?”

Navigational commands

“OK Google, repeat the directions I asked for earlier.”
“Hey Google, what were the directions I requested before?”
“OK Google, can you replay the map I requested earlier?”

Weather commands

“Hey Google, what was the weather I asked for earlier?”
“OK Google, repeat the weather forecast I requested before.”
“Hey Google, can you remind me of the weather update I searched for earlier?”

News commands

“OK Google, what was the news I asked for earlier?”
“Hey Google, repeat the news update I requested before.”
“OK Google, can you play the news segment I checked earlier?”

Sports commands

“Hey Google, what was the sports score I asked for earlier?”
“OK Google, repeat the game result I requested before.”
“Hey Google, can you remind me of the sports update I checked earlier?”