Mastering Google Assistant: A Full List of Voice Command Examples

Are you looking to master Google Assistant and make the most of its voice command capabilities? Below is a full list of voice command examples to help you navigate and optimize your use of this powerful digital assistant. From getting weather updates to setting reminders and playing music, these voice commands cover a wide range of tasks that can help streamline your day-to-day activities. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned user, these examples will help you take full advantage of Google Assistant’s features and functions.

#1 Weather and Time

“Hey Google, what’s the weather today?”
“Ok Google, what time is it in Tokyo?”
“Hey Google, what’s the forecast for tomorrow in New York?”

#2 Navigation and Directions

“Ok Google, how do I get to the nearest gas station?”
“Hey Google, what’s the traffic like on my way to work?”
“Ok Google, navigate to the nearest coffee shop.”

#3 Reminders and Alarms

“Hey Google, remind me to call my mom at 4 pm.”
“Ok Google, set an alarm for 7 am tomorrow.”
“Hey Google, remind me to buy milk when I get to the grocery store.”

#4 Entertainment and Multimedia

“Ok Google, play ‘Despacito’ on Spotify.”
“Hey Google, show me some cat videos on YouTube.”
“Ok Google, what movies are playing nearby?”

#5 Communication and Calls

“Hey Google, call John Smith.”
“Ok Google, send a text to Mary saying I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Hey Google, translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”

#6 Smart Home Control

“Ok Google, turn off the living room lights.”
“Hey Google, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Ok Google, lock the front door.”