Mastering Ecobee: Voice Command Examples for Google Assistant!

Are you ready to take your smart home to the next level with Ecobee and Google Assistant? Below are some voice command examples that will help you master Ecobee and get the most out of your smart thermostat.

Basic Commands

“Set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Increase the temperature by 2 degrees.”
“Turn on Eco Mode.”
“Set the thermostat to Away mode.”
“What is the current temperature inside?”

Scheduling Commands

“Create a schedule for weekdays at 7:00 AM.”
“Turn on the vacation schedule.”
“Disable the schedule for the weekend.”
“Set the Sleep schedule for 10:00 PM.”
“What is the current schedule for tomorrow?”

Control Commands

“Turn on the fan.”
“Set the humidity level to 50%.”
“Enable Smart Home/Away feature.”
“Turn off the thermostat for maintenance.”
“What is the energy usage for the week?”

Location Commands

“Set the location to Home.”
“Adjust the temperature for the Basement.”
“Turn on the heating in the Living Room.”
“Change the settings for the Bedroom.”
“What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?”

Integration Commands

“Sync Ecobee with my Google Calendar.”
“Link my Ecobee to my Philips Hue lights.”
“Enable voice control with Google Assistant.”
“Integrate Ecobee with my home security system.”
“What other smart devices can I connect with Ecobee?”