Mastering Chromecast voice commands: Top examples for Google Assistant

Mastering Chromecast voice commands can significantly enhance your experience with Google Assistant. With just a few simple voice commands, you can control your Chromecast device and enjoy seamless playback on your television. Whether you want to play your favorite music or stream your favorite show, Google Assistant is here to help. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of voice command examples that will enable you to explore the full potential of your Chromecast device.

#1 Playback Control

“Play [song/artist/album] on Chromecast.”
“Stop casting.”
“Resume playback.”
“Fast forward.”

#2 Netflix Voice Commands

“Play [show/movie] on Netflix using Chromecast.”
“Resume [show/movie] on Netflix with Chromecast.”
“Skip intro on Netflix.”
“Rewind 30 seconds on Netflix using Chromecast.”
“Turn on subtitles on Netflix with Chromecast.”

#3 YouTube Voice Commands

“Play on YouTube using Chromecast.”
“Search for on YouTube with Chromecast.”
“Queue on YouTube using Chromecast.”
“Skip to next video on YouTube.”
“Fast forward 2 minutes on YouTube with Chromecast.”

#4 Gaming

“Play [game name] on Chromecast.”
“Open [game name] on Chromecast.”
“Launch [game name] on Chromecast.”
“Quit game on Chromecast.”
“Restart game on Chromecast.”

#5 Volume Control

“Set volume to [number].”
“Increase volume by 10% on Chromecast.”
“Decrease volume by 20%.”
“Mute Chromecast.”
“Unmute Chromecast.”

#6 Weather and News

“What’s the weather like today on Chromecast.”
“Will it rain tomorrow?”
“Give me the current headlines on Chromecast.”
“Play news from [source] on Chromecast.”
“Set news preferences on Chromecast.”

#7 Image Casting

“Show my photos on Chromecast.”
“Cast [image] to Chromecast.”
“Set Chromecast backdrop to [image].”
“Change Chromecast screensaver to [album name].”
“Remove photo from Chromecast backdrop.”

#8 Home Automation

“Turn on/off lights using Chromecast.”
“Change thermostat temperature on Chromecast.”
“Lock the doors with Chromecast.”
“Start vacuum cleaning on Chromecast.”
“Control smart plugs with Chromecast.”

#9 Smart Home Routines

“Activate movie night routine on Chromecast.”
“Start bedtime routine with Chromecast.”
“Run morning routine on Chromecast.”
“Trigger party mode with Chromecast.”
“Initiate relaxation routine on Chromecast.”