Master Your To-Do List: Easy Alexa Todoist Commands

If you’re someone who’s constantly on-the-go, keeping track of all your tasks can be overwhelming. Luckily, with the help of Alexa and Todoist, managing your to-do list has never been easier. In this article, we’ll provide you with some easy Alexa Todoist commands that will help you master your to-do list and stay on top of your tasks. So whether you need to set reminders, add new tasks, or check items off your list, these voice commands will make your life easier.

#1 Adding Tasks

“Alexa, ask Todoist to add a task called ‘Buy groceries’ to my to-do list.”
“Alexa, tell Todoist to add a new task ‘Call Mom’ for tomorrow.”
“Alexa, add ‘Go to the dentist at 2pm tomorrow’ to my to-do list.”
“Alexa, create a task called ‘Finish report’ and set the due date for Friday.”
“Alexa, tell Todoist to add a task with a label ‘Home’ called ‘Clean the kitchen’.”

#2 Setting Reminders

“Alexa, ask Todoist to remind me to pay my bills tomorrow at 11am.”
“Alexa, create a reminder to call John at 3pm today.”
“Alexa, remind me to take my medication at 10pm every day.”
“Alexa, set a reminder to send an email to my boss at 9am on Monday.”
“Alexa, remind me to pick up my dry cleaning on Wednesday at 6pm.”

#3 Completing Tasks

“Alexa, ask Todoist to complete the task ‘Buy birthday gift for Sarah.'”
“Alexa, mark ‘Finish project proposal’ as done on my to-do list.”
“Alexa, complete the task with the label ‘Work’ called ‘Submit weekly report’.”
“Alexa, tell Todoist to check off ‘Water the plants’ from my list.”
“Alexa, mark ‘Finish reading book’ as completed.”

#4 Creating Projects and Labels

“Alexa, ask Todoist to create a new project called ‘Home Improvement’.”
“Alexa, create a label named ‘Important’ for my to-do list.”
“Alexa, tell Todoist to add a task ‘Find a babysitter’ and label it as ‘Urgent’.”
“Alexa, create a project called ‘Vacation Planning’ and add a task called ‘Book flights’.”
“Alexa, add a new task ‘Buy office supplies’ and assign it to the project ‘Work’.”

#5 Checking Your List

“Alexa, ask Todoist what tasks are due today.”
“Alexa, tell Todoist to show me all my completed tasks from last week.”
“Alexa, what is the next task on my to-do list?”
“Alexa, what’s on my to-do list for tomorrow?”
“Alexa, tell me how many tasks I have left for today.”