Cortana Voice Command Examples: Hands-Free Efficiency in Windows 10

If you’re looking for ways to increase your productivity and efficiency, you might want to explore Cortana voice command examples in Windows 10. With Cortana, you can use your voice to control your Windows 10 device and perform various tasks without typing or clicking. By learning some of the most useful voice commands, you can save time and streamline your workflow. Below are some examples of Cortana Voice Command Examples: Hands-Free Efficiency in Windows 10 that you can try out today.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Cortana” – activate Cortana
“What’s the weather like?” – check the weather forecast
“What time is it?” – check the current time
“Open [app name]” – launch an app

#2 Web Browsing

“Search for [query]” – search the web for a keyword
“Open [website name]” – launch a website
“Go to [website name]” – navigate to a website
“What’s the stock price of [company name]?” – get stock price information

#3 Productivity and Efficiency

“Set a reminder for [time/date]” – schedule a reminder
“Create a calendar event [event name] on [date] at [time]” – schedule a calendar event
“Take a note” – create a note
“Send an email to [recipient name] about [email subject]” – send an email

#4 Music Control

“Play some music” – start playing music
“Pause the music” – pause the music player
“Skip this song” – skip to the next song
“Turn up the volume” – increase the volume

#5 Windows Control

“Shut down my PC” – shut down the computer
“Restart my PC” – restart the computer
“Lock my screen” – lock the computer screen
“Turn on/off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi” – enable or disable Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity

#6 Personalization

“Change my background” – update the desktop background image
“Show me my photos” – view a slideshow of photos
“Change my accent color” – customize the color theme of Windows
“Change my display settings” – adjust screen resolution and other display settings

#7 Gaming

“Open Xbox Game Bar” – launch the Xbox Game Bar
“Record that” – capture a gameplay moment
“Take a screenshot” – take a snapshot of the game display
“Show me Xbox Game Pass games” – browse the Xbox Game Pass library

#8 Miscellaneous

“Flip a coin” – randomly decide between two options
“Roll a die” – randomly determine a number from 1 to 6
“Translate [phrase] to [language]” – translate a phrase to a different language
“Tell me a joke” – hear a funny joke or pun