Master Google Assistant: Unleash Plex Control with Voice Commands

Master Google Assistant: Unleash Plex Control with Voice Commands

Welcome to the wonderful world of Master Google Assistant, where you can unleash the full potential of Plex control with just your voice! With an array of voice command options, you can effortlessly navigate, control, and enjoy your favorite Plex content. Below, you’ll find a collection of voice command examples that will make your Plex experience even more seamless and enjoyable. So sit back, relax, and let your voice take control!

Playback Control

“Play [title]”
“Skip forward”
“Skip backward”
“Stop playback”
“Restart playback”
“Fast forward”
“Go to [time]”
“Shuffle the playlist”
“Turn on subtitles”
“Turn off subtitles”
“Change audio track”
“Enable audio description”
“Disable audio description”

Browsing and Searching

“Browse [movie/TV show]”
“Show me popular movies”
“Find TV shows with [actor/actress]”
“Search for [genre] movies”
“Explore documentaries”
“Play something similar to [movie/TV show]”
“Open recently added”
“Show me what’s trending”
“Look for comedies from the 80s”
“Find animated movies for kids”
“Search for episodes of [TV show]”


“Add to my watchlist”
“Remove from my watchlist”
“Create custom playlist”
“Play my favorites”
“Recommend me something”
“Show me my history”
“Like this movie”
“Dislike this TV show”
“Rate [title]”
“Follow [TV show]”
“Unfollow [TV show]”
“Set parental controls”
“Adjust video quality”
“Change preferred language”

Home Theater Control

“Turn on subtitles”
“Increase volume”
“Decrease volume”
“Go to fullscreen”
“Adjust brightness”
“Change TV input”
“Turn off the TV”
“Dim the lights”
“Set the mood”
“Open Plex on TV”
“Launch Plex on Fire TV”
“Close the app”
“Navigate settings”
“Sync content with mobile device”

Playlist Management

“Create a new playlist”
“Add [title] to playlist”
“Remove [title] from playlist”
“Rename playlist”
“Clear playlist”
“Play playlist”
“Shuffle playlist”
“Edit playlist”
“Play random song from playlist”
“Create smart playlist”
“Delete playlist”
“Backup playlists”
“Sort playlist by [criteria]”
“Export playlist”

Remote Access and Sharing

“Stream to [device]”
“Share [title] with [friend’s name/email]”
“Invite [friend’s name/email] to Plex”
“Grant access to [user’s name/email]”
“Remove access for [user’s name/email]”
“View connections”
“Enable remote access”
“Disable remote access”
“Set up PIN protection”
“Change server settings”
“Share library with [user/group]”
“Request access to [friend’s library]”
“Accept library access request”
“Reject library access request”
“Create managed user”