Master Google Assistant: Genius Pandora Commands

Welcome to Master Google Assistant: Genius Pandora Commands! If you’re looking to unlock the full potential of your Google Assistant when it comes to managing your Pandora listening experience, you’ve come to the right place. Below, you’ll find a compilation of voice command examples that will make navigating and enjoying your Pandora music effortless. Whether you want to control playback, discover new songs, or curate personalized playlists, these commands will help you take full advantage of all the features Pandora has to offer. Experience the power of voice control and let your Google Assistant become the ultimate Pandora guru.

#1 Playback Control

“Play [song/artist/genre] on Pandora”
“Thumb-up this song”
“Thumb-down this song”
“Play my [station/playlist]”
“Play [music/mix] similar to this”
“Play [top hits/golden oldies] on Pandora”
“Play [artist]’s [latest/hit] single”
“Play [station/playlist/album/genre] for [activity/event]”
“Play [song/album/artist] radio”
“Play my shuffle station”

#2 Discovering and Exploring

“What’s playing?”
“What song is this?”
“Who sings this?”
“Find more songs like this”
“Play more songs from this artist”
“Discover new music”
“Find similar artists”
“Play Pandora’s [featured/most popular] stations”
“Explore [genre/artist] radio”
“Play [artist]’s [latest/old] albums”
“Find [dance/rock/country] music”
“Play music for a [party/road trip/relaxing evening]”
“Discover trending music on Pandora”

#3 Personalization and Customization

“Create a new station based on [song/artist/genre]”
“Add variety to this station”
“Delete this station”
“Rename this station”
“Thumb down this song and never play it again”
“Set my default station”
“Set my preferred artist for recommendations”
“Suggest stations like this”
“Customize my [shuffle/station/playlist]”
“Play my [liked/disliked] songs”
“Set a sleep timer for [x] minutes/hours”
“Play [artist]’s [rare/b-sides] collection”

#4 Interactions with Google Assistant

“Hey Google, play my Pandora”
“Hey Google, skip this song”
“Hey Google, play some happy music”
“Hey Google, pause Pandora”
“Hey Google, what’s playing?”
“Hey Google, play [artist] on Pandora”
“Hey Google, play something different”
“Hey Google, find [genre] on Pandora”
“Hey Google, add this song to my playlist”
“Hey Google, play my party mix on Pandora”
“Hey Google, shuffle my liked songs”
“Hey Google, thumbs up this song”

#5 Integration and settings

“Connect my Google Assistant to Pandora”
“Disconnect Pandora from my devices”
“Link my Pandora account”
“Unlink Pandora from my Google account”
“Adjust playback settings”
“Change audio quality”
“Enable/disable explicit content”
“Set my listening mode to [private/shared]”
“Enable/disable shuffle mode”
“Manage notifications from Pandora”
“Turn on/off voice control for Pandora”

#6 Hands-Free and Smart Home Control

“Play Pandora on [speaker/group name]”
“Play my Pandora stations everywhere”
“Stop playback on [speaker/group name]”
“Lower/raise the volume on [speaker/group name]”
“Mute [speaker/group name]”
“Skip this song on [speaker/group name]”
“Pause Pandora on [speaker/group name]”
“Play Pandora’s [featured/most popular] station on [speaker/group name]”
“Play [artist]’s [latest/old] album on [speaker/group name]”
“Play [genre] music on [speaker/group name]”
“Play music for a [party/road trip/relaxing evening] on [speaker/group name]”
“Play my [liked/disliked] songs on [speaker/group name]”
“Turn off Pandora everywhere”