Easy Alexa Voice Command Examples for Switching to Spanish

Below are some voice command examples that you can use to easily switch your Alexa device to Spanish. With these simple commands, you will be able to navigate Alexa in Spanish and enjoy a seamless experience. Whether you want to ask for the weather, play music, or set reminders, Alexa has got you covered. Just ask and Alexa will respond in Spanish, making it easier for Spanish speakers to interact with their smart devices. Explore the following voice command examples to make the most of your Alexa device in Spanish.

#Setting Language Preferences

“Alexa, cambia al idioma español” (Alexa, switch to Spanish language)
“Alexa, ¿puedo hablar en español?” (Alexa, can I speak in Spanish?)
“Alexa, habla en español” (Alexa, speak in Spanish)
“Alexa, configura mi dispositivo en español” (Alexa, set up my device in Spanish)
“Alexa, cambia el idioma principal a español” (Alexa, change the primary language to Spanish)

#Basic Commands

“Alexa, ¿cuál es el clima hoy?” (Alexa, what is the weather today?)
“Alexa, dime un chiste” (Alexa, tell me a joke)
“Alexa, pon música en español” (Alexa, play Spanish music)
“Alexa, para” (Alexa, stop)
“Alexa, pon una alarma a las 8 a.m.” (Alexa, set an alarm for 8 a.m.)

#Smart Home Control

“Alexa, enciende las luces” (Alexa, turn on the lights)
“Alexa, pon el termostato a 22 grados” (Alexa, set the thermostat to 22 degrees)
“Alexa, cierra las persianas” (Alexa, close the blinds)
“Alexa, enciende la cafetera” (Alexa, turn on the coffee maker)
“Alexa, muestra la cámara de seguridad” (Alexa, show the security camera)

#Reminders and Alarms

“Alexa, recuérdame comprar leche” (Alexa, remind me to buy milk)
“Alexa, añade una cita al calendario” (Alexa, add an appointment to the calendar)
“Alexa, pon una alarma a las 6 p.m.” (Alexa, set an alarm for 6 p.m.)
“Alexa, establece un recordatorio semanal” (Alexa, set a weekly reminder)
“Alexa, ¿qué recordatorios tengo hoy?” (Alexa, what reminders do I have today?)


“Alexa, cuéntame un chiste en español” (Alexa, tell me a joke in Spanish)
“Alexa, pon música de salsa” (Alexa, play salsa music)
“Alexa, pon el último episodio de mi serie favorita” (Alexa, play the latest episode of my favorite series)
“Alexa, busca películas en español” (Alexa, search for movies in Spanish)
“Alexa, pon el canal de noticias” (Alexa, tune to the news channel)

#General Information

“Alexa, ¿quién fue Simón Bolívar?” (Alexa, who was Simón Bolívar?)
“Alexa, ¿qué es el fútbol?” (Alexa, what is soccer?)
“Alexa, ¿cuál es el significado de la palabra ‘navegar’?” (Alexa, what is the meaning of the word ‘navigate’?)
“Alexa, traduce ‘hola’ al inglés” (Alexa, translate ‘hello’ to English)
“Alexa, ¿qué hora es en Madrid?” (Alexa, what time is it in Madrid?)