Definitive ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Blog Posts

Writing a blog can be challenging. Coming up with ideas, crafting posts that engage readers, optimizing for SEO – it’s a lot to juggle. That’s why AI tools like ChatGPT are so helpful for bloggers. With the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate ideas, write full drafts, and even suggest improvements to your writing.

In this post, I’ll share my top ChatGPT prompts for writing blog posts efficiently. These are prompts I use in my own blogging workflow. They help me brainstorm topics, write better content, and format posts.

Brainstorming Blog Post Topics and Ideas

The first step to writing a blog post is coming up with a topic. I always start by asking ChatGPT to suggest 5-10 ideas related to my niche:

Give me 10 potential blog post topic ideas related to [your niche]. Make sure they are relevant, interesting ideas that my audience would want to read about. Format them as a numbered list.

For example, if I was a marketing blogger I might get suggestions like:

  1. 10 Tips for Creating Viral Content
  2. How to Use Data to Drive Marketing Decisions
  3. Beginner’s Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The key is giving ChatGPT some guidance – tell it your niche, emphasize you want interesting, reader-focused ideas, and ask it to format as a list. This prompt reliably gives me a solid starting point for choosing my next post topic.

Writing Blog Post Drafts

Once I’ve settled on a topic, I use ChatGPT to write a full first draft. My go-to prompt is:

Write a 1000 word blog post draft about [blog post topic]. Make it scannable and easy to read, focused on being useful and actionable for the reader. Use subheadings and bullet points. Target the post to [your target audience].

I always include key details – word count, the topic, who my audience is. Asking for scannability and readability ensures I get back drafts perfect for a blog format. The resulting posts only need light editing before they are ready to publish.

Improving Your Own Writing

I don’t rely entirely on AI for writing – I still write many posts myself. In these cases, I leverage ChatGPT to improve my drafts. I simply copy and paste what I’ve written into ChatGPT and say:

I've written the draft below for a blog post. Please edit it to be more compelling, clear, scannable, and useful for readers. Fix any spelling, grammar, or formatting issues. You can make minor additions or subtractions to the content.

ChatGPT returns an edited version of my post with improved writing. I then take its suggestions and edit my original draft. This allows me to maintain my own voice and ideas, while leveling up areas like clarity and engagement.

Optimizing Blog Posts for SEO

Writing for search engines is key for driving traffic. I use this prompt to have ChatGPT optimize my posts for SEO:

I have written the blog post below. Please edit it to optimize for search engine optimization. Make sure it includes relevant meta descriptions, header tags, keywords, and links. Improve the content for maximum shareability while keeping the post easy to read.  

ChatGPT adds meta descriptions, sprinkles in targeted keywords, inserts quality links to other resources, and formats with proper header tags. This means every post I publish is perfectly optimized to rank in search engines.

Generating New Ideas from Existing Posts

Sometimes I want to expand on an old post by writing a sequel or series. To quickly ideate related topics, I prompt ChatGPT:

I previously wrote a blog post called [insert previous post title]. Please suggest 5 new related blog topics I could write follow-up posts about to create a series.

For example, if I had a popular post on “Intro to Keyword Research,” ChatGPT might suggest follow-up topics like:

  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Keyword Research
  2. Long Tail Keywords – A Keyword Research Case Study
  3. How to Use Keywords to Find Blog Post Ideas
  4. Keyword Research Tools I Recommend
  5. Keyword Research for SEO – Beyond the Basics

Repurposing existing content into a series is an easy way to multiply the value of your previous posts. And ChatGPT makes it simple to find promising new angles.

Useful Websites for Blog Writing Prompts

Here are some websites I recommend browsing for more AI writing prompts:

The key is finding prompts tailored to your use case – in this case, writing blog content efficiently. These resources have prompts designed for bloggers, not just generic AI writing.

I hope these ChatGPT prompts help you streamline your blog writing process as much as they’ve helped me! Let me know in the comments if you have any other go-to blog writing prompts I should try.