Cortana’s Easter Egg Commands: Unleash the Playful Side of Voice Control!

Voice control has come a long way, and with Cortana’s Easter Egg Commands, you can not only control your device but also unlock a playful side to your virtual assistant. These hidden commands are designed to add a touch of fun and entertainment to your Cortana experience. Below are some voice command examples that you can use to discover the hidden surprises and enjoy the lighter side of voice control.

Game On!

Unleash your competitive spirit and have some gaming fun with these voice commands:

“Let’s play a game.”
“Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.”
“Roll a dice.”
“Flip a coin.”
“Guess the animal.”
“Tell me a riddle.”
“Sing a song.”
“Tell me a joke.”
“Beam me up.”
“Tell me a story.”

Creative Conversations

Engage in imaginative and creative conversations with Cortana using these voice commands:

“Tell me a story about dragons.”
“Tell me a poem.”
“Do an impression.”
“Tell me a tongue twister.”
“Say something funny.”
“Tell me a pirate joke.”
“Talk like Yoda.”
“What’s your favorite movie?”
“Who’s your favorite superhero?”
“What’s your favorite book?”
“Do you have any pets?”

Trivia Time!

Test your knowledge and have fun with these trivia-based voice commands:

“What’s the capital of France?”
“Who is the current president of the United States?”
“Who won the World Cup in 2018?”
“What is the tallest mountain in the world?”
“How many countries are there in Africa?”
“Who painted the Mona Lisa?”
“What is the largest planet in our solar system?”
“What’s the distance from Earth to the Moon?”
“Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?”
“What is the symbol for potassium on the periodic table?”

Entertainment Enthusiast

Enjoy some entertainment-based commands to keep yourself entertained:

“Tell me a movie recommendation.”
“Play some music.”
“Tell me a fun fact.”
“Sing me a lullaby.”
“Tell me a bedtime story.”
“What’s the latest news?”
“Tell me a magic trick.”
“Give me a compliment.”
“Tell me a weird fact.”
“What’s your favorite TV show?”

Holiday Cheers

Get into the holiday spirit with these festive-themed voice commands:

“Merry Christmas!”
“Trick or treat!”
“Happy New Year!”
“Tell me a Valentine’s Day joke.”
“Sing me a Halloween song.”
“What’s your favorite holiday?”
“Tell me a Christmas fact.”
“Do you believe in Santa Claus?”
“What’s your favorite Halloween costume?”
“Tell me a Thanksgiving joke.”

Raise the Fun Quotient

Elevate the fun and excitement with these miscellaneous voice commands:

“Surprise me!”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“What is the meaning of life?”
“Can you dance?”
“Tell me a random fact.”
“Are you a robot?”
“What’s the weather like?”
“Who’s your favorite actor?”
“Can you beatbox?”

Now that you have a glimpse of the various Cortana Easter Egg Commands, give them a try, and let your virtual assistant surprise and entertain you in ways you never expected. Enjoy the playful side of voice control and see what exciting discoveries await!