Cortana Voice Commands for Xbox: Examples and Tips

Cortana on Xbox One can be a game-changer when it comes to controlling your console through voice commands. With the Kinect sensor or a compatible headset, you can use your voice to navigate your Xbox, launch games, apps, or entertainment, and even control volume and playback. This article provides you with some useful voice command examples for Cortana on Xbox One, divided into categories based on their function. From the basic commands to more advanced ones, here are some useful tips to help you get started with voice control on Xbox One.

#1 Navigating the Xbox Dashboard and Apps

“Hey Cortana, go to home page.”
“Hey Cortana, go to my games and apps.”
“Hey Cortana, open [game/app name].”
“Hey Cortana, snap [app name].”
“Hey Cortana, close snap.”
“Hey Cortana, show me my pins.”
“Hey Cortana, go to settings.”
“Hey Cortana, sign in as [profile name].”
“Hey Cortana, switch profile.”
“Hey Cortana, search for [game/app/name/genre].”
“Hey Cortana, browse the web.”

#2 Controlling Media Playback

“Hey Cortana, play [music/artist/album/genre] on [app name].”
“Hey Cortana, resume.”
“Hey Cortana, pause.”
“Hey Cortana, skip forward/backward by [number] seconds.”
“Hey Cortana, rewind/fast-forward by [number] minutes.”
“Hey Cortana, next/previous track.”
“Hey Cortana, repeat [song/album/playlist].”
“Hey Cortana, shuffle [song/album/playlist].”
“Hey Cortana, stop [music/video].”
“Hey Cortana, what’s playing?”
“Hey Cortana, volume up/down.”

#3 Launching and Playing Games

“Hey Cortana, open [game name].”
“Hey Cortana, start [game name].”
“Hey Cortana, show game details.”
“Hey Cortana, show the achievements for this game.”
“Hey Cortana, invite [friend name] to game.”
“Hey Cortana, take a screenshot.”
“Hey Cortana, record that.”
“Hey Cortana, show me Xbox Game Pass games.”
“Hey Cortana, show me the latest games.”

#4 Other Useful Commands

“Hey Cortana, turn off Xbox.”
“Hey Cortana, restart Xbox.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s the weather like?”
“Hey Cortana, set a reminder.”
“Hey Cortana, set a timer for [number] minutes.”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a joke.”