Master Windows 10 Cortana Voice Commands: Always-Listening Microphone Examples

Master Windows 10 Cortana voice commands: Always-Listening Microphone Examples

Welcome to a guide on mastering the voice commands for Windows 10 Cortana’s always-listening microphone feature. Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant, can be a powerful tool for navigating your computer and completing tasks quickly and efficiently. Below are some voice command examples that you can use to interact with Cortana and unleash the full potential of this powerful feature.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Cortana, what’s the weather like today?”
“Hey Cortana, set an alarm for 7 am tomorrow.”
“Hey Cortana, open settings.”
“Hey Cortana, take a screenshot.”

#2 Web Browsing

“Hey Cortana, open Microsoft Edge.”
“Hey Cortana, search for healthy recipes.”
“Hey Cortana, go to”
“Hey Cortana, what is the latest news?”

#3 Personal Organization

“Hey Cortana, create a new appointment for tomorrow at 2 pm.”
“Hey Cortana, remind me to buy milk when I leave work.”
“Hey Cortana, add eggs to my shopping list.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s on my calendar for today?”

#4 Entertainment and Media

“Hey Cortana, play some music.”
“Hey Cortana, pause.”
“Hey Cortana, search for action movies.”
“Hey Cortana, open Netflix.”

#5 System Commands

“Hey Cortana, shut down my computer.”
“Hey Cortana, restart my computer.”
“Hey Cortana, switch user.”
“Hey Cortana, lock my computer.”

#6 File Management

“Hey Cortana, open File Explorer.”
“Hey Cortana, create a new folder.”
“Hey Cortana, search for files named ‘report’.”
“Hey Cortana, delete this file.”

#7 Communication

“Hey Cortana, send an email to John Smith.”
“Hey Cortana, call Mom on Skype.”
“Hey Cortana, text Sarah: ‘I’ll be there in 10 minutes.'”
“Hey Cortana, read my latest email.”

#8 System Settings

“Hey Cortana, adjust the screen brightness.”
“Hey Cortana, turn on Bluetooth.”
“Hey Cortana, change the default printer.”
“Hey Cortana, enable Night Light.”

#9 Accessibility Options

“Hey Cortana, turn on high contrast mode.”
“Hey Cortana, increase the font size.”
“Hey Cortana, start Narrator.”
“Hey Cortana, open Ease of Access settings.”

#10 Searching and Extracting Information

“Hey Cortana, search for ‘How to bake a cake’.”
“Hey Cortana, what is the capital of France?”
“Hey Cortana, define ‘serendipity’.”
“Hey Cortana, translate ‘thank you’ to French.”

These voice command examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you can achieve with Cortana on your Windows 10 system. Feel free to explore further, experiment with different commands, and customize your experience to suit your preferences and needs. So, start utilizing the power of Cortana’s always-listening microphone and let your voice guide your Windows 10 experience.