Cortana Commands: Mastering Voice Control with Examples

With the rise of technology, voice assistants have become an essential part of our daily lives. One such assistant that has gained popularity is Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant. Cortana can help you with daily tasks and save you time by executing your commands with just your voice. In this article, we will provide you with some essential Cortana commands: Mastering Voice Control with Examples that you can use to make your life easier. So, sit back, relax, and let Cortana do all the hard work for you.

#1 Basic Commands

“Hey Cortana, what’s the weather like?”
“Hey Cortana, set a reminder for 2 pm”
“Hey Cortana, what’s on my calendar today?”
“Hey Cortana, set an alarm for 6 am.”
“Hey Cortana, show me the news for today.”
“Hey Cortana, what time is it?”

#2 Entertainment Commands

“Hey Cortana, play some music.”
“Hey Cortana, pause the music.”
“Hey Cortana, play the next song.”
“Hey Cortana, turn the volume up/down.”
“Hey Cortana, stop the music.”
“Hey Cortana, tell me a joke.”
“Hey Cortana, launch Netflix.”

#3 Navigation Commands

“Hey Cortana, give me directions to the nearest gas station.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s the traffic like on the way home?”
“Hey Cortana, find me a pub near me.”
“Hey Cortana, how far is the nearest pharmacy?”

#4 Productivity Commands

“Hey Cortana, open PowerPoint.”
“Hey Cortana, send an email to John.”
“Hey Cortana, remind me to call the doctor tomorrow.”
“Hey Cortana, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Hey Cortana, translate ‘hello’ to Spanish.”
“Hey Cortana, show me my to-do list.”
“Hey Cortana, set the timer for 20 minutes.”

#5 System Control Commands

“Hey Cortana, restart my computer.”
“Hey Cortana, turn off my computer.”
“Hey Cortana, show me all the running apps.”
“Hey Cortana, lock my computer.”
“Hey Cortana, take a screenshot.”
“Hey Cortana, what’s my system information?”
“Hey Cortana, log off my computer.”