Best ChatGPT Prompt for Domain Name

A domain name is the online real estate for your business or brand. Having an awesome, catchy, and memorable domain name can give your business a competitive advantage right from the start. The domain name is often the first interaction people have with your business, so making a good first impression is key.

When coming up with domain name ideas, there are a few best practices to follow:

Keep it Short and Sweet

Shorter domain names are easier to remember and type out. Aim for domain names under 15 characters whenever possible. For example, is catchy and easy to recall.

Make it Descriptive

Choose a domain name that gives visitors an idea of what your business offers. Including a key keyword in the domain name can help with SEO as well. Just make sure it still flows and is easy to say.

Check Domain Availability

The last thing you want is to fall in love with a domain name that is already registered. Use a domain search tool to check availability for your top domain picks across all the popular extensions like .com, .net. .org, etc.

Use a Domain Name Generator

Coming up with loads of creative, catchy domain names from scratch can be challenging. Using an AI-powered domain name generator through ChatGPT makes the process fast and simple.

ChatGPT Prompts for Domain Names

Here are some of my go-to prompts for leveraging ChatGPT as a domain name idea generator:

Describe Business for Relevant Suggestions

My business offers [products/services] to [target customers] in the [industry/niche]. Provide a list of 8 creative .com domain name suggestions relevant to my business and offerings. Ensure names are short, memorable, and catchy.

Giving ChatGPT key details about your actual business results in domain suggestions tailored to your brand. This prevents generic or irrelevant ideas.

Specify Name Length and Structure

Generate a list of 20 domain name ideas no longer than 8 characters for my [industry] business called [company name]. Structure names using a combination of short catchy words, invented words, and relevant key terms. Only provide .com availability.  

Dictating the exact structure and length for names makes it easy to filter out domains that don’t match your criteria.

Ask for a Variety of Options

Suggest 25 unique .com domain names for my startup in categories like: single real words, combination words, rhyming, alliteration, misspelled, puns, invented words. Names should relate to [industry] and evoke [traits]. 8 characters max.  

Getting domains across different categories gives you more creative options to choose from. Specify traits you want names to evoke like “fun, memorable, professional,” etc.

Check Domain Availability

From this list of generated domain ideas for my [industry] business, reply with only the available .com domains: [list 15 domain ideas]

While ChatGPT creates awesome names, checking availability is still essential. Have it filter down suggestions to only available domains.

Tips for Prompting ChatGPT

Follow these tips when prompting ChatGPT for domain names to get the best results:

Provide Context

Give ChatGPT key details about your business and ideal domains to get tailored, relevant suggestions.

Be Specific

Define exact criteria for the length, structure, categories, and availability of names. More specific prompts result in better answers.

Refine and Rephrase

If a prompt doesn’t yield what you hoped for, try rephrasing with more details. Start a new prompt if needed.

Double Check Availability

Have ChatGPT filter ideas to only available domains, but still verify availability yourself before purchasing.

Final Thoughts

Crafting the perfect prompt is key to getting awesome domain name ideas from ChatGPT. Follow the examples and tips outlined above to get unique, catchy, and relevant domains tailored to your actual business and offerings. Treat ChatGPT as your AI brainstorming partner during the domain selection process.

The right domain name can give your brand instant credibility and memorability. Prioritize nailing this crucial first impression by prompting ChatGPT effectively and doing some due diligence. Best of luck finding the perfect domain!