Ultimate ChatGPT Prompt for Doctors

As AI tools like ChatGPT become more advanced, doctors have an exciting opportunity to utilize these technologies to enhance patient care and education. However, creating effective prompts is crucial for getting accurate and helpful responses from chatbots. This article provides tips and examples for doctors to craft optimal ChatGPT prompts across various applications.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an AI system developed by OpenAI that can understand natural language prompts and generate human-like responses. It has been trained on vast amounts of text data to hold conversations, answer questions, summarize texts and more. While powerful, ChatGPT has limitations in accuracy and requires well-designed prompts to function optimally, especially for high-stakes medical uses.

Applications of ChatGPT for Doctors

Here are some ways doctors can use ChatGPT prompts to streamline workflows and improve patient care:

Patient Education

Doctors can leverage ChatGPT to quickly create patient education materials and FAQs that explain conditions, procedures and treatments in simple, engaging language.

Example prompt: “Write a 300-word explanation of atrial fibrillation, including causes, symptoms and treatment options, for newly diagnosed patients.”

Care Coordination

ChatGPT can generate care coordination plans to facilitate communication within multidisciplinary teams managing complex cases.

Prompt: “Create a 250-word care coordination plan for a patient with newly diagnosed epilepsy being treated by a neurologist, primary care doctor and psychologist.”

Clinical Decision Support

While not a substitute for professional judgment, ChatGPT can provide evidence-based suggestions to inform decision-making.

Prompt: “Give three potential medication options for a 35-year-old female patient with moderate persistent asthma, with a 150-word summary of the rationale, risks and benefits for each.”

Crafting Effective Prompts

To optimize ChatGPT outputs, follow these prompt engineering best practices:

Be Specific

Clearly state expectations for length, tone, audience level and other requirements. The more details you provide, the better the response.

Check for Accuracy

Review ChatGPT’s responses against clinical guidelines and medical literature to ensure accuracy before sharing.

Use Feedback Loops

If an initial response is vague or incomplete, use it to inform a follow-up prompt requesting more specifics.

Practice Caution

Never include patient identifiers/data or make clinical decisions solely based on ChatGPT. Use judiciously as one input among many.


With thoughtful prompt engineering, doctors can unlock ChatGPT’s potential while mitigating risks. This allows for faster access to the latest medical information and guidelines. By crafting prompts tailored to specific needs and use cases, ChatGPT can become a versatile tool rather than just a chatbot. Remember to always corroborate its outputs and approach with healthy skepticism.

Useful Websites:

  • https://www.cdc.gov/ – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • https://medlineplus.gov/ – Patient education resource from National Library of Medicine
  • https://www.fda.gov/ – Food and Drug Administration, info on medications and devices