
Welcome to this article about attacks! Below, you will find a compilation of voice command examples that are relevant to different types of attacks. Whether you are interested in self-defense techniques, learning about historical battles, or strategies for video game combat, these voice commands will provide you with the knowledge you seek. Simply speak the command aloud, enclosed in quotation marks, and let the information guide you. Explore the sections below, categorized by theme, to find the voice commands you need.

#1 Self-Defense

“Perform a palm strike.”
“Execute a knee strike.”
“Defend against a headlock.”
“Neutralize an attacker from behind.”
“Escape from a bear hug.”
“Counter a punch to the gut.”
“Block and counter a knife attack.”
“Perform a leg sweep.”
“Disable an assailant’s grip.”
“Escape from a wrist grab.”

#2 Historical Battles

“Tell me about the Battle of Waterloo.”
“What are the strategies used in the Battle of Hastings?”
“Who were the key figures in the Trojan War?”
“Explain the tactics employed in the Battle of Gettysburg.”
“What weapons were prevalent in the Battle of Stalingrad?”
“What was the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars?”
“Describe the Siege of Constantinople.”
“Tell me about the Mongol Invasions.”
“How did the British win the Battle of Trafalgar?”
“What were the significant battles of the American Revolution?”

#3 Video Game Combat

“Perform a special attack in game X.”
“How do I block an enemy attack in game Y?”
“Execute a combo move in game Z.”
“What are the best weapon upgrades in game A?”
“Tell me about the stealth takedown moves in game B.”
“Defeat the boss in game C.”
“What is the weakness of the final boss in game D?”
“Equip the most powerful armor in game E.”
“Unlock the secret character in game F.”
“Activate the magic spell in game G.”

#4 Cybersecurity

“Run a virus scan on my computer.”
“Protect my online accounts with two-factor authentication.”
“Enable a firewall on my network.”
“Guard against phishing attacks.”
“What are the most common types of malware?”
“Update my antivirus software.”
“Secure my home Wi-Fi network.”
“Encrypt my sensitive data.”
“Protect my website from SQL injection attacks.”
“Set up strong passwords for my devices and accounts.”

#5 Sports Defense Techniques

“Show me how to block a soccer ball.”
“Execute a sliding tackle in football.”
“Defend against a slam dunk in basketball.”
“Prevent a breakaway in hockey.”
“Counter a spin move in basketball.”
“Intercept a pass in American football.”
“Tackle an opponent in rugby.”
“Block a spike in volleyball.”
“Defend a penalty kick in soccer.”
“Guard against a fast break in basketball.”

#6 Animal Attacks

“Escape from a bear attack.”
“Defend against a shark during a dive.”
“Protect from a snake bite.”
“What to do when encountering a mountain lion?”
“Stay safe during a confrontation with a wild boar.”
“Defend against a swarm of bees.”
“Survive a crocodile attack.”
“Escape from a swarm of jellyfish.”
“Handle encounters with wolves.”
“Protect yourself from attacks by aggressive dogs.”

#7 Verbal Attacks

“Respond to a passive-aggressive comment.”
“Defend against verbal bullying.”
“Handle criticism gracefully.”
“Neutralize a backhanded compliment.”
“Deal with insults from a toxic co-worker.”
“Respond assertively to an argumentative person.”
“Stand up for yourself in a confrontational situation.”
“Handle derogatory remarks with dignity.”
“Defend your ideas during a group discussion.”
“Respond to online trolling or cyberbullying.”

#8 Natural Disasters

“Take cover during an earthquake.”
“Survive a tornado by seeking safety in a basement.”
“Protect yourself during a lightning storm.”
“Evacuate during a wildfire.”
“Secure your home against flooding.”
“Stay safe during a hurricane by following evacuation orders.”
“Prepare for and survive an avalanche.”
“Treat injuries caused by a volcanic eruption.”
“Survive extreme heat waves by staying hydrated.”
“Seek shelter and precautions during a tsunami warning.”