Alexa Jokes: Fun Commands for Voice Control

Looking for a fun way to interact with your Alexa device? Look no further than Alexa Jokes: Fun Commands for Voice Control! Below are some examples of silly and humorous voice commands you can use to get a laugh from your device. Whether you’re looking for puns, one-liners, or even a little sarcasm, these commands are sure to brighten up your day. Give them a try and see which ones make you chuckle!

#1 Knock Knock Jokes

“Alexa, tell me a knock knock joke.”
“Alexa, who’s there?”
“Alexa, tell me a joke about chickens.”
“Alexa, do you know any good dad jokes?”

#2 One-Liner Jokes

“Alexa, tell me a joke about lawyers.”
“Alexa, what did the grape say when it got stepped on?”
“Alexa, what do you get when you cross a snowman and a shark?”
“Alexa, why don’t ants get sick?”
“Alexa, what did one hat say to the other?”

#3 Puns

“Alexa, tell me a pun about boats.”
“Alexa, what do you call a bear with no teeth?”
“Alexa, why don’t scientists trust atoms?”
“Alexa, why did the tomato turn red?”
“Alexa, what did the left eye say to the right eye?”

#4 Pick-Up Lines

“Alexa, tell me a pick-up line.”
“Alexa, do you have any flirting tips?”
“Alexa, can you give me a romantic compliment?”
“Alexa, what’s your idea of the perfect date?”
“Alexa, are you seeing anyone right now?”

#5 Sarcasm

“Alexa, can you make me a sandwich?”
“Alexa, can you clean my room for me?”
“Alexa, can you do my laundry for me?”
“Alexa, can you give me a foot massage?”
“Alexa, can you solve all my problems?”