40 Alexa Commands for Hatch Baby and Rest+


“Alexa, tell Hatch to start a nursing on the right side”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to switch to the left”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to pause feeding”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to start a bottle feeding”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to stop feeding”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to cancel feeding”

“Alexa, tell Hatch baby just had a bottle of breastmilk”

“Alexa, ask Hatch what side did I last nurse on?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how much has baby eaten today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how many times has baby eaten today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch when was the last feeding?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch when did baby last eat?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how long have I been nursing?”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to log a nursing for {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Hatch to log a nursing for 20 minutes


40 Alexa Commands for Hatch Baby and Rest+

“Alexa, tell Hatch to start sleep”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to begin a sleep”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to stop sleep”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to finish sleep”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to cancel sleep”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how much has baby slept today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how many naps today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch when was the last nap?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how long has baby been sleeping?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch when did baby fall asleep?”

“Alexa, tell Hatch the baby slept for {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Hatch the baby slept for 2 hours and 10 minutes

“Alexa, tell Hatch to log a nap {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Hatch to log a nap at 3pm for 45 minutes


“Alexa, tell Hatch to add a dirty diaper”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to record a wet diaper”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how many dirty diapers today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how many wet diapers today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how many diapers today?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch when was the last diaper change?”

“Alexa, ask Hatch how long since the last diaper?”


“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn on my rest plus”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn off my rest plus”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn on my night light”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn off my night light”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn on my sound machine”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn off my sound machine”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn the volume up on the Hatch”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn down the volume on my lamp”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn the brightness up on rest plus”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to turn the rest plus green”

“Alexa, tell Hatch to set a timer for {times}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Hatch to set a timer for 45 minutes

“Alexa, tell Hatch to set the volume to {number} on my sound machine”. Example: “Alexa, tell Hatch to set the volume to 6 on my sound machine”