20 Alexa Commands to Control Sound Volume

Make Alexa Louder

“Alexa, volume up {number}”. Example: “Alexa, volume up 2

“Alexa, increase the volume”

“Alexa, volume up”

“Alexa, raise the volume”

“Alexa, louder”

“Alexa, volume higher”

Make Alexa Quieter

“Alexa, volume down {percentage rate}”. Example: “Alexa, volume down 20%

“Alexa, decrease the volume”

“Alexa, volume down”

“Alexa, lower the volume”

“Alexa, softer”

“Alexa, volume lower”

Set a Specific Volume

“Alexa, volume {percentage rate}”. Example: “Alexa, volume 50%

“Alexa, set volume to {number}”. Example: “Alexa, set volume to 5

“Alexa, decrease / increase the volume to {0-10}”. Example: “Alexa, decrease the volume to 5

“Alexa, adjust the volume to {0%-100%}”. Example: “Alexa, adjust the volume to 30%

“Alexa, change the volume to {0-10}”. Example: “Alexa, change the volume to 5

Mute the Volume

“Alexa, mute”

“Alexa, unmute”

“Alexa, volume 0”