23 Alexa Commands for SmartThings


“Alexa, turn on {room} TV”. Example: “Alexa, turn on Living Room TV”

“Alexa, turn up the volume on {room} TV”. Example: “Alexa, turn up the volume on Living Room TV”

“Alexa, set channel to {number} on the TV”. Example: “Alexa, set channel to 23 on the TV”

“Alexa, change channel to {channel name} on TV”. Example: “Alexa, change channel to ESPN on TV”

“Alexa, pause the TV”

“Alexa, play the TV”


“Alexa, pause my soundbar”

“Alexa, increase the volume on the soundbar”

“Alexa, change the soundbar input to Bluetooth”


“Alexa, set the oven to {number} degrees”. Example: “Alexa, set the oven to 375 degrees”

“Alexa, set the oven to Convection Bake for {number} minutes at {number} degree”. Example: “Alexa, set the oven to Convection Bake for 45 minutes at 375 degrees”

“Alexa, start the Microwave”

“Alexa, is the front door open?”

“Alexa, is the back door open?”

“Alexa, lock the front door”

“Alexa, turn on the Air Purifier”

“Alexa, turn off the Robot Vacuum”

“Alexa, turn on the {room} fan”. Example: “Alexa, turn on the Bedroom fan”

“Alexa, dim the {room} lights to {percentage}”. Example: “Alexa, dim the Living Room lights to 25%

“Alexa, open the blinds”

“Alexa, set {room} temperature to {number} degrees”. Example: “Alexa, set Kitchen temperature to 72 degrees”

“Alexa, decrease the {room} temperature”. Example: “Alexa, decrease the Bedroom temperature”

“Alexa, what is my thermostat set to?”