29 Sonos Commands for Alexa

Amazon Alexa works on all Sonos players. You can set up the connection by enabling Sonos Skill on your Amazon account. After that, you can use these commands to control Sonos via Alexa.

“Alexa, play music.”

“Alexa, stop the music.”

“Alexa, pause music.”

“Alexa, skip this song.”

“Alexa, next song, please.”

“Alexa, go to previous.”

“Alexa, play Uptown Girl.”

“Alexa, play Take On Me in the downstairs.”

“Alexa, play David Bowie in my office.”

“Alexa, play Spotify.”

“Alexa, play Apple Music.”

“Alexa, play my party playlist.”

“Alexa, play (playlist name) in dining room.”

Alexa, what music is playing?”

“Alexa, play music in the Living Room.”

“Alexa, what’s playing in David’s room?

“Alexa, set volume to 50 percent.”

“Alexa, turn it up.”

“Alexa, turn it down.”

“Alexa, louder the volume.”

“Alexa, increase the volume.”

“Alexa quieter the volume.”

“Alexa, softer the music.”

“Alexa, lower the volume.”

“Alexa, turn on Living Room TV.”

“Alexa, turn off the TV.”

“Alexa, set the speaker to TV audio.”

“Alexa, switch scene to Night Mode.”

“Alexa, enable Night Mode in the family room.”

“Alexa, announce that lunch is ready.”