14 Alexa Commands for SimpliSafe

A SimpliSafe can you use for many things and help your day. Other than that, you can control the SimpliSafe using Alexa. You can try these commands for controlling your SimpliSafe.

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe to arm my system in home mode”

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe to arm my system in away mode”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe I’m leaving”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe I’m going out”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe to lock up”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe good night”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe I’m going to bed”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe to turn on”

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe if my house is secure”

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe if I am protected”

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe for my current status”

“Alexa, ask SimpliSafe what’s shakin’”

“Alexa, tell SimpliSafe to activate away mode”

“Alexa, Tell SimpliSafe batten down the hatches”