13 Alexa Commands for HomeSeer


“Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn on leaving home”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer I’m leaving home now”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to run the SUNSET event”


“Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn on the {room} light switch”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn on the bathroom light”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn off the {room} light switch”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn off the bathroom light”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn on the {room} light switch”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to to turn on the first floor bathroom overhead light switch”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn off the {room} light switch”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to turn off the first floor bathroom overhead light switch”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to dim the {room} light to {percentage}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to dim the porch light to 50%


“Alexa, tell Homeseer to set the thermostat to {temperature}”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer to set the thermostat to 65 degrees

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to get the status of my temperature sensor”


“Alexa, tell Homeseer to open the garage door”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer to close the garage door”

“Alexa, tell Homeseer in {times}, lock the {door name} door”. Example: “Alexa, tell Homeseer in 10 minutes, lock the front door”