34 Alexa Commands to Control Audible by Your Voice

“Alexa, read my book from Audible”

“Alexa, read {title} from Audible”. Example: “Alexa, read The Name Of The Win from Audible”

“Alexa, play my podcast from Audible”

“Alexa, play the podcast {title} from Audible”. Example: “Alexa, play the podcast Chasing Ghislaine from Audible”

“Alexa, pause”

“Alexa, resume”

“Alexa, play”

“Alexa, go back”

“Alexa, go forward”

“Alexa, go back {time}”. Example: “Alexa, go back 35 seconds”

“Alexa, go forward {time}”. Example: “Alexa, go forward 5 minutes

“Alexa, next chapter”

“Alexa, previous chapter”

“Alexa, go to chapter number {number}”. Example: “Alexa, go to chapter number 7

“Alexa, go to last chapter”

“Alexa, restart”

“Alexa, next episode”

“Alexa, previous episode”

“Alexa, go to episode {number}”. Example: “Alexa, go to episode 7

“Alexa, play episode {number} of the {title} podcast”. Example: “Alexa, play episode 20 of the Chasing Ghislaine podcast”

“Alexa, what should I read next?”

“Alexa, read faster”

“Alexa, read slower”

“Alexa, read at normal speed”

“Alexa, stop reading in {time}”. Example: “Alexa, stop reading in 15 minutes”

“Alexa, set a {time} sleep timer”. Example: “Alexa, set a 10 minutes sleep timer”

“Alexa, what are my books?”

“Alexa, what’s in my Audible library?”

“Alexa, switch profiles”

“Alexa, what’s free from Audible?”

“Alexa, start an Audible trial”

“Alexa, buy {title}”. Example: “Alexa, buy DARK GAME

“Alexa, play Harry Potter quiz”

“Alexa, open Choose Your Own Adventure”