A Beginner’s Guide to Google Assistant Voice Commands: Chinese Language Examples

Google Assistant voice commands: Chinese Language Examples>

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to using Google Assistant voice commands in Chinese language! Below, you will find a collection of voice command examples that will help you navigate your way through various tasks and queries. Whether you’re looking to set reminders, search the web, or simply have a conversation with your virtual assistant, these commands will assist you in getting the most out of Google Assistant. Let’s begin exploring the world of Chinese language voice commands!

#1 General Commands

“你好,谷歌助手” (Hello, Google Assistant)
“告诉我今天的天气” (Tell me today’s weather)
“播放音乐” (Play some music)
“打开相机” (Open the camera)
“调低音量” (Lower the volume)
“提醒我明天开会” (Remind me about the meeting tomorrow)

#2 Communication and Messaging

“给我妈妈发短信” (Send a text message to my mom)
“打电话给爸爸” (Call dad)
“发邮件给朋友” (Send an email to a friend)
“告诉我最新的微信消息” (Tell me my latest WeChat messages)
“发推特” (Post on Twitter)

#3 Daily Schedule and Reminders

“设置闹钟七点半” (Set an alarm for 7:30 AM)
“明天上午有什么日程安排?” (What’s my schedule tomorrow morning?)
“删除明天晚上的提醒” (Delete the reminder for tomorrow night)
“打开日历” (Open the calendar)
“明天我需要去购物” (Remind me to go shopping tomorrow)

#4 Navigation and Directions

“导航到家” (Navigate to my home)
“带我去最近的酒店” (Take me to the nearest hotel)
“找到附近的餐厅” (Find nearby restaurants)
“我在哪里?” (Where am I?)
“显示我附近的加油站” (Show me gas stations nearby)

#5 Entertainment and Fun

“讲个笑话” (Tell me a joke)
“给我讲一个故事” (Tell me a story)
“我能和你玩猜谜游戏吗?” (Can I play a riddle game with you?)
“追踪我的运动记录” (Track my steps)
“给我推荐一部好电影” (Recommend a good movie)

#6 Language and Translation

“翻译 ‘你好’ 到英文” (Translate ‘hello’ to English)
“学习怎么说 ‘谢谢’ 在法语” (Teach me how to say ‘thank you’ in French)
“如何发音 ‘中国'” (How to pronounce ‘China’)
“翻译整句话到西班牙语” (Translate a whole sentence to Spanish)
“提供中文 – 英文的词典定义” (Provide a Chinese-English dictionary definition)

#7 Miscellaneous

“打开支付宝” (Open Alipay)
“预定明天的出租车” (Book a taxi for tomorrow)
“播放今天的新闻” (Play today’s news)
“给我看一些狗狗图片” (Show me some pictures of dogs)
“帮我找到我手机” (Help me find my phone)

Remember, these are just a few examples to get you started. With Google Assistant, the possibilities are endless. Feel free to explore and experiment with different voice commands to tailor your experience. Have fun mastering the art of voice control in Chinese language with Google Assistant!