14 Green Point System Commands for Google Assistant

Now you can control your Green Point System by talking to Google Assistant using the following commands below. You may send the capabilities first to your devices before performing commands.


“Ok Google, turn on the light.”

“Ok Google, turn off the light.”

“Ok Google, switch on the lights.”

“Ok Google, switch off the lights.”

“Ok Google, turn on the lights in the (room name).”

“Ok Google, dim the light.”

“Ok Google, brighten the light by 30 percent.”

“Ok Google, turn off Dining Room lamps.”

“Ok Google, activate Movie Mode.”

“Ok Google, are the lights in the Kitchen on?”

“Ok Google, activate Sleep Mode.”

“Ok Google, decrease the light.”

“Ok Google, increase the light.”

“Ok Google, ask Green Point to run Good Night.”


  • (room name) — You can name a specific room in Google Home app.