30 Siri Commands for Hue Lights: Voice Control Examples

If you own a set of Hue Lights and an Apple device with Siri, you can now control them with your voice. Commands like “Hey Siri, turn off the lights” or “Hey Siri, dim the room to 50%” make it easy to adjust the lighting in your home without getting up from the couch. Below are some voice command examples that you can use to control your Hue Lights with Siri.

#1 Turning On and Off Hue Lights

“Hey Siri, turn on the lights in the living room.”
“Hey Siri, turn off all the lights.”
“Siri, turn off the kitchen lights.”

#2 Adjusting the Brightness

“Hey Siri, set the living room lights to 50%.”
“Siri, dim the bedroom lights to 30%.”
“Hey Siri, brighten the kitchen lights.”

#3 Changing the Color

“Siri, set the living room lights to blue.”
“Hey Siri, make the bedroom lights red.”
“Siri, change the kitchen lights to green.”

#4 Setting Scenes

“Hey Siri, activate the Relax scene.”
“Siri, turn on the Party scene.”
“Hey Siri, activate Reading mode.”

#5 Controlling Lights in Specific Rooms

“Siri, turn off the lights in the bedroom.”
“Hey Siri, set the living room lights to orange.”
“Siri, dim the lights in the dining room to 70%.”

#6 Turning Lights On and Off in Groups

“Hey Siri, turn off the upstairs lights.”
“Siri, turn on the downstairs lights.”
“Hey Siri, turn off all the bedroom lights.”

#7 Setting Timers

“Siri, set a timer for 10 minutes and turn off the lights in the living room.”
“Hey Siri, turn on the bedroom lights in 30 minutes.”
“Siri, set a timer for 45 minutes and turn off the kitchen lights when it’s done.”

#8 Creating Routines

“Hey Siri, set up a bedtime routine.”
“Siri, create a cooking routine for the kitchen lights.”
“Hey Siri, create a wakeup routine for the bedroom lights.”