10 Google Assistant Commands for Google Mini: A Voice Command Example Guide

Are you new to using Google Mini and want to know some voice command examples you can try? Below are some helpful voice commands you can use to make the most out of your Google Assistant experience. Whether it’s setting an alarm, playing music, or getting the weather forecast, Google Assistant has got you covered.

#1: Alarm Commands

“Wake me up at 7 am”
“Set an alarm for Monday at 8 am”
“Cancel all alarms”

#2: Music Commands

“Play my morning playlist”
“Skip to the next song”
“Pause the music”

#3: Weather Commands

“What’s the weather like today?”
“Will it rain tomorrow?”
“What’s the temperature in New York?”

#4: Timer Commands

“Set a timer for 10 minutes”
“Pause the timer”
“Cancel all timers”

#5: Reminder Commands

“Remind me to buy milk at 5 pm”
“Delete my reminder for tomorrow”
“What are my reminders for today?”

#6: Smart Home Commands

“Turn off the living room lights”
“Set the thermostat to 70 degrees”
“Lock the front door”

#7: Navigation Commands

“Give me directions to the nearest coffee shop”
“How long will it take to get to work?”
“Cancel navigation”

#8: Communication Commands

“Call mom”
“Send a text to John saying I’ll be there in 10 minutes”
“Read my latest text message”

#9: Shopping Commands

“Add eggs to my shopping list”
“What’s on my shopping list?”
“Order paper towels from Amazon”

#10: Fun Commands

“Tell me a joke”
“Sing me a song”
“Tell me a bedtime story”