10 Alexa Commands to Control Your Nest Thermostat Easily

Are you tired of constantly having to get up to adjust your Nest thermostat? With Alexa, you can easily control your Nest thermostat with just your voice. Below are some voice command examples you can use to change the temperature, set the thermostat, and more, all with the power of your voice.

Setting the Temperature

“Set the temperature to 72 degrees.”
“Lower the temperature by 3 degrees.”
“Increase the thermostat temperature by 5 degrees.”

Adjusting the Schedule

“Set the thermostat to ‘Away’ mode.”
“Change the schedule for tomorrow.”
“Turn off the schedule for the weekend.”

Checking the Temperature

“What is the current temperature?”
“Is the thermostat set to heat or cool?”
“What is the target temperature for today?”

Using Eco Mode

“Turn on Eco mode.”
“Set the Eco temperature to 65 degrees.”
“Disable Eco mode for the day.”

Controlling Multiple Thermostats

“Set the upstairs thermostat to 70 degrees.”
“Turn off the living room thermostat.”
“What is the temperature in the basement?”

Using Custom Commands

“Make it warmer in here.”
“I’m feeling cold, can you raise the temperature?”
“Please adjust the thermostat for me.”

Setting a Timer

“Set a timer to lower the temperature in 30 minutes.”
“Remind me to turn off the thermostat in an hour.”
“Set a timer for the thermostat to turn on at 7 am tomorrow.”

Using Thermostat Modes

“Switch the thermostat to heating mode.”
“Activate cooling mode on the thermostat.”
“Set the thermostat to auto mode.”

Controlling Away Status

“Set the thermostat to ‘Home’ mode.”
“Activate ‘Away’ mode for the weekend.”
“Disable ‘Eco’ mode for the next few hours.”

Controlling Fan Settings

“Turn on the fan for 15 minutes.”
“Set the fan to run continuously.”
“Turn off the fan for the day.”