Voice Control 101: Master Alexa’s Pandora Commands!

Voice Control 101: Master Alexa’s Pandora Commands! In this guide, we will explore various voice commands that can help you navigate and control Pandora using your Amazon Alexa device. Whether you want to play your favorite songs, discover new music, or create personalized playlists, mastering these commands will enhance your Pandora experience. Below, you will find a collection of voice command examples that are tailored specifically for controlling Pandora with Alexa. So, let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of your voice-controlled music streaming experience!

#1 Basic Playback Commands

“Alexa, play Pandora”
“Alexa, pause”
“Alexa, resume”
“Alexa, stop”
“Alexa, skip”
“Alexa, go back”
“Alexa, restart”

#2 Control Specific Stations

“Alexa, play my (station name) station on Pandora”
“Alexa, create a new station based on (artist/genre/song)”
“Alexa, play more like this”
“Alexa, play less like this”
“Alexa, add this song to (station name) station”
“Alexa, add variety to this station”

#3 Discover New Music

“Alexa, play recommended music on Pandora”
“Alexa, play music for relaxation”
“Alexa, play pop music on Pandora”
“Alexa, play top hits on Pandora”
“Alexa, play music for workouts”

#4 Personalized Playlists

“Alexa, play my (custom playlist name) playlist on Pandora”
“Alexa, create a new playlist on Pandora”
“Alexa, add this song to my (custom playlist name) playlist”
“Alexa, delete (custom playlist name) playlist”
“Alexa, shuffle my playlist”
“Alexa, play my favorite songs”

#5 Interactions with Alexa

“Alexa, what’s playing?”
“Alexa, who sings this song?”
“Alexa, thumbs up”
“Alexa, thumbs down”
“Alexa, play something else”
“Alexa, play my last Pandora station”

#6 Set Sleep Timer

“Alexa, set sleep timer for 30 minutes”
“Alexa, stop playing in an hour”
“Alexa, play for 45 minutes”
“Alexa, stop music after this song”
“Alexa, cancel sleep timer”

#7 Control Volume and Playback

“Alexa, louder”
“Alexa, reduce volume”
“Alexa, set volume to 6”
“Alexa, play next”
“Alexa, replay”
“Alexa, fast-forward”

#8 Artists, Albums, and Songs

“Alexa, play (artist name)”
“Alexa, play (song name)”
“Alexa, play (album name)”
“Alexa, play more from this artist”
“Alexa, play more songs like this”

#9 Control Multi-room Music

“Alexa, play Pandora on (room name) group”
“Alexa, stop music in (room name)”
“Alexa, shuffle music in all rooms”
“Alexa, play different songs in (room name)”
“Alexa, play Pandora everywhere”
“Alexa, pause everywhere”

These voice command examples will allow you to effortlessly control Pandora using your Amazon Alexa device. Whether you want to fine-tune your listening experience, discover new music, or create personalized playlists, these commands will help you navigate the world of Pandora with ease. So, go ahead, experiment, and enjoy the boundless music streaming possibilities at your fingertips!