Voice Command Examples: Beware of Nefarious Instructions

Voice assistants have become increasingly popular in our daily lives, offering convenience and efficiency at our fingertips. However, with the rise of these voice-activated technologies comes the potential for nefarious instructions that can lead to unintended consequences. To help you navigate this potential minefield, here are some voice command examples that you can use responsibly. Whether you’re using Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant, these commands will ensure that you stay mindful of the potential risks and exercise caution when interacting with voice-activated devices.

#1 Basic Commands

“Open the weather app.”
“Set a timer for 10 minutes.”
“Play some classical music.”
“Find a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.”
“Search for the latest news headlines.”
“Turn on the lights in the living room.”
“Send a text message to John.”
“Create a new reminder for tomorrow.”
“Take a selfie.”

#2 Home Automation

“Dim the bedroom lights by 50%.”
“Turn on the coffee maker.”
“Lock the front door.”
“Set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”
“Start the robot vacuum.”
“Turn off all the lights.”
“Close the garage door.”
“Water the plants for 5 minutes.”
“Arm the security system.”

#3 Entertainment

“Play my favorite playlist.”
“Skip to the next track.”
“Pause the movie.”
“Watch a comedy on Netflix.”
“Shuffle my audiobooks.”
“Turn up the volume.”
“Search for funny cat videos on YouTube.”
“Play my workout playlist.”
“Find a romantic movie.”

#4 Shopping

“Order more paper towels.”
“Add eggs and milk to my grocery list.”
“Buy a new book by my favorite author.”
“Browse for sneakers on Amazon.”
“Add a red sweater to my cart.”
“Track my recent order.”
“Find the best deals on laptops.”
“Order a pizza delivery.”
“Book a table at a nearby restaurant.”

#5 Productivity

“Set a reminder for the 9 a.m. meeting.”
“Send an email to Sarah.”
“Schedule a dentist appointment for next week.”
“Open my calendar for today.”
“Read my latest email.”
“Set an alarm for 7 a.m.”
“Create a new document.”
“Translate ‘hello’ to French.”
“Find a synonym for ‘exquisite’.”

#6 Navigation

“Navigate to the nearest gas station.”
“Find the best route to work.”
“Search for nearby restaurants.”
“Show me the way back home.”
“Where is the nearest bank?”
“Navigate to the Eiffel Tower.”
“Check the traffic on my route.”
“Find a nearby hotel.”
“Locate the nearest pharmacy.”

Remember, while voice assistants can greatly simplify our lives, it’s essential to be cautious with the commands we give. Stay vigilant and mindful of potential misuse, and let these voice command examples help you make the most of your voice-activated devices safely and responsibly.