Viral ChatGPT Prompt for AI Art Creation Like a Pro

Artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up exciting new possibilities for art creation. Tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion allow anyone to generate stunning visual art just by typing in text prompts. However, crafting the perfect prompt is key to creating captivating AI art.

In this article, we provide tips and tricks from AI art experts on how to write viral ChatGPT prompts that can help you create professional-grade AI artworks.

Know Your AI Art Tool

The first step is understanding the capabilities and limitations of the AI art generator you plan to use.

For example, Midjourney specializes in surreal and abstract art while DALL-E produces more photorealistic images. Familiarize yourself with the style and quality of art each tool can generate so you can set accurate expectations.

Spend some time experimenting with the tool by trying out prompts from the community. This will give you a better intuition for how to craft prompts that work.

Use Specific Descriptions

AI art thrives on detailed textual descriptions. The more descriptive your prompt, the better the quality of the generated art.

A vague prompt like “a beautiful landscape” will not give the AI enough to work with. Instead, add details about the specific elements you want to see:

“A mystical golden forest with a winding path leading to an ancient stone temple covered in moss”

Focus on textures, colors, lighting, shapes, mood and composition. The AI will interpret all these cues to synthesize the image.

Find Inspiration

Browse communities like r/MediaSynthesis on Reddit to find prompts that produce captivating images.

Reverse engineer what makes them work – is it the adjectives used? The specificity of the description? The emotion it evokes?

You can then model successful prompts to create your own viral ideas.

Use Comparisons

Comparing your subject to existing styles and art movements helps the AI understand the aesthetics and qualities you’re after:

“An astronaut floating in space, lost in thought, style of Van Gogh’s Starry Night”

You can also use comparisons between two adjectives to define a blended quality:

“A crystal palace interior with floors as shiny as chrome and walls as intricate as lace”

Invoke Emotion

The feeling and atmosphere of a piece greatly impacts its impression on the viewer. Use emotional descriptors to set the mood of the artwork:

“A majestic snow-capped mountain shining radiantly at sunset, evoking a feeling of awe”

Emotionally-charged prompts make the art more moving and memorable.

Iterate On Ideas

Treat each prompt as an experiment – don’t expect your first try to produce an instant masterpiece!

Adjust prompts iteratively by tweaking descriptors, adding new details or changing the analogy until you get closer to the intended result.

Turn failures into learnings – analyze what did not work to upgrade your next prompt. With experimentation and persistence, your viral AI art is within reach.


Crafting the perfect prompt is an art unto itself that unlocks the potential of AI art generators. Start by thoroughly understanding your chosen tool, find inspiration from viral examples, use vivid descriptors and emotional language, and iterate relentlessly on your ideas. With the tips in this guide, you’ll be ready to create show-stopping AI art that captivates audiences.

Useful Websites for AI Art Creation: