Unmasking the Vulnerability: Silent Attacks on Alexa and Siri Voice Commands

As voice assistants like Alexa and Siri continue to gain popularity and become integrated into our everyday lives, it is crucial to be aware of the potential vulnerabilities that come with such convenient technology. In a study titled “Unmasking the Vulnerability: Silent Attacks on Alexa and Siri voice commands,” researchers have shed light on the silent attacks that can be executed through voice commands, posing a risk to user privacy and security. This article aims to explore some examples of voice commands that exploit this vulnerability. By understanding these potential risks, users can take necessary precautions to protect their personal information and ensure a more secure user experience.

#1 Personal Information Leakage

“Alexa, what’s my address?”
“Hey Siri, can you read aloud my email?”
“Alexa, tell me my credit card number.”
“Hey Siri, what’s my date of birth?”
“Alexa, read my recent text messages.”
“Hey Siri, can you tell me my Social Security number?”

#2 Device Manipulation

“Alexa, unlock the front door.”
“Hey Siri, turn off the security system.”
“Alexa, switch off the lights.”
“Hey Siri, adjust the thermostat to 90 degrees.”
“Alexa, schedule a fake appointment for me.”
“Hey Siri, set an alarm for 3 a.m.”

#3 Online Accounts Access

“Alexa, open my Facebook account.”
“Hey Siri, log in to my online banking.”
“Alexa, read my Twitter direct messages.”
“Hey Siri, check my Amazon purchase history.”
“Alexa, send an email using my Gmail account.”
“Hey Siri, change my Instagram password.”

#4 Malicious Actions

“Alexa, order 100 pizzas to my neighbor’s address.”
“Hey Siri, send a spam email to my boss.”
“Alexa, play loud music at maximum volume.”
“Hey Siri, delete all my contacts.”
“Alexa, post an embarrassing message on my social media.”
“Hey Siri, call 911 and play a prank.”

#5 Eavesdropping and Recording

“Alexa, listen to the conversations in the room.”
“Hey Siri, secretly record my phone conversation.”
“Alexa, tap into my neighbor’s baby monitor.”
“Hey Siri, listen to my partner’s private conversations.”
“Alexa, record a video without my consent.”
“Hey Siri, stream my voice recordings to the internet.”

#6 Exploiting Connected Devices

“Alexa, order items from my shopping cart.”
“Hey Siri, send a text message from my paired smartphone.”
“Alexa, play a Spotify playlist on my smart speakers.”
“Hey Siri, lower the volume on all connected devices.”
“Alexa, print a document using the wireless printer.”
“Hey Siri, open the garage door.”

These voice command examples serve as a reminder that while voice assistants provide us with convenience and ease, we must remain vigilant about their potential vulnerabilities. By being mindful of the risks posed by silent attacks, users can take proactive measures to safeguard their personal information and maintain a secure environment when utilizing voice commands with Alexa and Siri.